1st Run of M1 EP HM 0w20 - '17 Pacifica

Oct 6, 2005
2017 Pacifica
3.6L Pentastar
~104,000 miles currently

Brief history: I have used PP0w20 at OLM intervals (approx 10k) since we got it at around 40/45k. Past life was a rental iirc. Over the last several oil changes, It would use 1qt/5000 miles

Don't remember exactly why I made the change. I think I was kicking around switching from PP 0w20 to HPL 0w20 or 5w20 to see if it would clean up the oil consumption (a stretch I know, but why not experiment when it won't hurt anything). I know I went with 0w20 over 5w20 to not make too many changes at once. So it was just an oil type change, not a viscosity grade change.

Probably wanted to cheap out a little because the van doesn't get driven much anymore as my wife and I work together and we drive my truck most days and my truck is the family vehicle. When it does get driven, it's a decent highway drive.

Sitting right around 50% on the OLM, it's at 5 months and about 5000 miles (guessing, no I don't keep detailed records for my wife's car) in where it should have used a qt of oil and its currently sitting no more than 1/4qt low. I checked it at the gas station yesterday, not my official oil level checking location.

I was not expecting this much reduction. I'm impressed.
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So what oil brand did you end-up using?
Use a 5w30 EP-type and drop the OCI to 7.5k. That Pacifica will thank you and the wife someday, for lengthening it's engine's quality of life. You will then be able to make more trips over the years, from the Pacifica to the Altantica.
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Sorry, lost that.

Running M1 EP HM 0w20.

Not sure the wife will thank me, she wouldn't be opposed to a new car :ROFLMAO:
What was past and current oil consumption rate? 1qt / 5K to 1/4qt / 5K. Am I correct?
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Thank u. Crossing my fingers that the Mobil 1 EP HM oil cleaned up ur piston oil control rings.
U may want to install a new PCV so the crankcase pressure has some where to go.
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WOW.. Mobil 1 OW20, 5W20 and 5W30 don't have much of an ad pack, they pretty much all look the same.. they must have one hell of a base oil..
Advanced or EP.
WOW.. Mobil 1 OW20, 5W20 and 5W30 don't have much of an ad pack, they pretty much all look the same.. they must have one hell of a base oil..
Advanced or EP.

A $30 oil analysis does not tell us all that much about what truly is in that motor oil. We would need a $1,000 oil analysis to get far more information about what was in that oil.

Just like a finger pulse oximeter oxygen reader.. Yeah it tells me somethings… The percentage of oxygen in the person blood and their heart rate.. Which is helpful. No doubt.

But I need a ABG - an Arterial Blood Gas test to truly give me much more of a persons overall health circumstances vs a pulse ox reader.
WOW.. Mobil 1 OW20, 5W20 and 5W30 don't have much of an ad pack, they pretty much all look the same.. they must have one hell of a base oil..
Advanced or EP.
As @bbhero stated a $30 oil analysis doesn't tell much about the true formulation of a motor oil. I have no doubt the Mobil 1 offerings you mentioned are excellent first rate products.
I'm not knocking the product at all, I'm using M1 in my vehicle now, I'm not having no issues at all. I'm contemplating trying the new Valvoline R&P but then again, all I'm doing is going by a $30 analysis, and product claims.
And I know how they feel.. being in the hospital numerous times with COPD exasperations..

Bless your heart man… Seriously take care of yourself…

And if you don’t have a pulse oximeter… Do get one. They are helpful. No doubt about it.

If you get below 93 percent on room air and you aren’t feeling good… Get yourself to the hospital asap.

Because your CO2 is likely high and your PO2 is low and that’s a bad bad deal right there.
Bless your heart man… Seriously take care of yourself…

And if you don’t have a pulse oximeter… Do get one. They are helpful. No doubt about it.

If you get below 93 percent on room air and you aren’t feeling good… Get yourself to the hospital asap.

Because your CO2 is likely high and your PO2 is low and that’s a bad bad deal right there.
Thank you 👍 yes I do have one..
I'm not knocking the product at all, I'm using M1 in my vehicle now, I'm not having no issues at all. I'm contemplating trying the new Valvoline R&P but then again, all I'm doing is going by a $30 analysis, and product claims.
Stick with the Mobil 1. If you decide on spending $30 on a VOA don't use it to reverse engineer a product. Use if for a UOA and get the data it will give you for the oil you used in your engine.

And take care of yourself.