1972 Panasonic TR-542AC B&W TV (pics)

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May 14, 2014
Toronto Canada
Picked up this set today.
It is a 1972 Panasonic TR-542AC B&W TV. This was the first TV made with touch sensing ON/OFF power swtich. very nice Space age red cabinet design.
Made in Japan.
Found it locally from the original owner. Also came with all manuals.













Originally Posted By: Blueskies123
So what do you plan to do with the TV. It is not like you can watch anything.

I can watch analog cable still.
as long as your cable company still offers it.. they are starting to phase out analog channels as the contracts come up for negotiations come up down here.
Got a Letter from TWC earlier this week, that to continue to use our analog sets we would need "Digital Adaptors" (teeny weeny cable box essentially) they provide them free for 1 year after that it's $1.50/mo per box. (looking online that rate seems to vary market to market I've seen folks post online where their rate was quoted @ $.90/mo)
apparently they are Fully phasing Analog service out by 2016(Time-Warner Cable)

and it even looks like even if you have a Digital clear QAM tuner in your set, you still need this little bugger(or a cable card if your set supports it) as they are encrypting all digital channels.
Actually there are still some low power OTA analog stations operating in the USA, most are translators though and some religious stations.

There are also some Canadian OTA stations that are analog more so than in the USA.
Comcast cable tv down here sent us a notice that they are terminating analog cable channels, if you never got a digital adapater. get one immediately. So if you have Time Warner and the Comcast merger goes through, expect the same to happen. Comcast can institute their lame monthly broadband data caps and turn off your analog cable tv. Comcast sucks, down with comcast. LOL
Originally Posted By: michaelluscher
With a UHF/VHF terminal adapter (already in picture)
Just inputting the output from a digital converter box will work just fine.

I am betting that OP does not have a wife! There is no way in hade a wife would you drag this thing home :)
Originally Posted By: RTexasF
Why would anyone even want that? I've got a 19" Color set in a closet that I can't give away.

Same reason why people want antique AM radios, or a Model A Ford.
Originally Posted By: Robb.
Originally Posted By: RTexasF
Why would anyone even want that? I've got a 19" Color set in a closet that I can't give away.

Same reason why people want antique AM radios, or a Model A Ford.

Okay. Neither of those make any sense to me either so I'll never understand. Thanks though. To me it's just junk.
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