100% MMO

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Nov 21, 2009
Wheeling, WV
I would never do this, but I'm very curious. What do you think would happen if you filled your entire crankcase with just MMO? No motor oil.
Well it wouldnot kill it so long s you shut it down when the oil pressure dropped to zero. I knew and old timer that would fill his crank case up with diesel or kerosine of JP8 if he was near some. He would then start his car up and let it idle until the oil pressure droped to zero. Then he would drain it out and refill with fresh oil.I think he owned that car for 15 years. I am not recomending it but like I said as long as you shut down when oil pressure reched zero it should not cause any damage.
I hope this is just curiosity, and you're not planning to do something so daft.
MMO is a 5 grade oil. They don't recommend filling the sump with 100% MMO so I wouldn't try it on a car. I did it once with a mower that was seized. We did a piston soak first, then filled the sump with MMO and ran the engine for 10 minutes. We dumped the oil and put that engine on an edger and used it for a few years.
On a lawnmower I filled the sump with mostly Rislone.. didn't take long for it to start smoking. Block and exhaust. Still using it today though. With how thin MMO is I'd bet you'd find alot of leaks.. probably wouldn't kill in running in idle only for 10-15 minutes.
This engine was ready for the garbage, in fact that's where it came from. We took it for parts/rebuild. It was seized, a piston soak got things moving, we figured we try a flush with straight MMO, it worked.
Originally Posted By: JohnBrowning
Well it wouldnot kill it so long s you shut it down when the oil pressure dropped to zero. I knew and old timer that would fill his crank case up with diesel or kerosine of JP8 if he was near some. He would then start his car up and let it idle until the oil pressure droped to zero. Then he would drain it out and refill with fresh oil.I think he owned that car for 15 years. I am not recomending it but like I said as long as you shut down when oil pressure reched zero it should not cause any damage.

yeah ..diesel/kero .50% ..100% ..old timer trick to clean an engine.
I have seen the 100% deisel trick before. It cleaned the motor really well and didnt seem to have any side effects after running for 5 minutes or so. I would not do this to an engine I own though.
Originally Posted By: thebeast
I would never do this, but I'm very curious. What do you think would happen if you filled your entire crankcase with just MMO? No motor oil.

Ahhh - I was recently thinking the same thing...!
I imagine (note qualification) that any static loads would have some elevated wear. Not necessarily harmful in the big picture, but things where a minimum film strength is required. I wouldn't worry at all about main/rod bearings. Cam lifters ..where 180-220lbf is a constant would probably take a hit.

Naturally you wouldn't do this to a perfectly good engine ..so the whole issue of .00000000000000002 more wear for the duration of the session probably won't mean anything.
I ran my pressure washer on 100% Marvels Mystery Oil a couple of months ago. The motor got hot and coked the oil up in it. Really yucky like a thin tar. So I drained it out and filled it with MMO and let it sit over night then ran it for a couple of minutes and drained the gick. Diesel may have done the trick too for cheaper but I didn't have any around in the shop.
Originally Posted By: JohnBrowning
Well it wouldnot kill it so long s you shut it down when the oil pressure dropped to zero. I knew and old timer that would fill his crank case up with diesel or kerosine of JP8 if he was near some. He would then start his car up and let it idle until the oil pressure droped to zero. Then he would drain it out and refill with fresh oil.I think he owned that car for 15 years. I am not recomending it but like I said as long as you shut down when oil pressure reched zero it should not cause any damage.
Till the oil press. drops to zero? Sorry I don't get that. Are you kidding? If MMO is a single weight 5, then it would not change it's viscosity. Then why would the oil pressure change?
Thank you in advance.
The hotter it gets the thinner it will get, mmo is not magic and just because something is a straight weight does not mean it will not get thinner with increasing temp.
"thinner", i.e. less viscous, yes, but going to zero? I find that tough to comprehend.
Running an engine on straight MMO is not what the product was intended for. Now if an engine is on its last legs then why not? I wouldn't run any engine until the oil pressure drops to zero no matter what oil or additive I had in it.

If you saved the engine by using a product in a way it was not intended to be used [MMO is not intended to be used alone without oil] and it did the engine some good, running it till it reaches ZERO oil pressure will quickly reverse all the good.
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