01 Honda Valkyrie, Chevron Delo 5/40 Syn. 1905 mi

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Please post any differences in how the bike runs or if the engine becomes louder and more tapping is heard.
I've got quite a bit of the M1 10w-40 bike oil in my stash and I was using it in my shared sump bikes however the engines just got so loud. I could hear the timing chains in motion and the valves tapping. All 3 of my shared sump bikes made more noise.
I use rotella conventional now in spite of having 30 quarts of the Mobil. I just can't stand the additional noise.
I have about 500 miles on the M1 and I am really liking the oil.

The bike is shifting really, really well. The only weakness of the Valkyrie is shift quality, but this oil has improved this aspect of riding it.

No noise issues at all. The Delo was quiet also.

I know it costs more but so far so good.
I would have to add that in general, any oil with the highest low number ex. 5/40 vs.10/40 vs 20/50 will hold viscosity better in a shared sump, synthetic or conventional.
I think most UOA's in shared sumps prove this to be true. The oil with the highest low number will shear the least in a shared sump.
For me personally that is the most important number when comparing across a range of bikes because it is the only reliable consistent number that is not as dependent on how the oil sample was taken or the riding style of the rider.
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