Worried when I leave home..

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Jun 5, 2003
Apple Valley, California
Whenever we leave and leave the house unattended I am a nervous wreck. I am mostly worried that it may burn while I am gone and kill my pets.

Several times in the last couple of years we have left and had to turn around and rush back because a brush fire had started way to close to home. Once we were told that we were in the evacuated zone and could not enter to get my pets....But people that were saving horses were allowed in.

So I went in an unknown way and got the animals out.

I would feel terrible if they died in a fire and I was hours away.

Am I being irrational or normal?
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Originally Posted By: BigJakeChevy
Buy cameras that can be monitored online.
thought about that but wont help if I am 4 hrs away and there is a fire 1/2 mile away. Last time my neighbors were too busy getting out to mess with my place. I understand that.
This is affecting your ability to enjoy life. Discuss it with your physician.

Your other options are to fire-proof the house, get rid of the pets, or move away from vegetation.
You have nothing but complaints about where you live. That says to me that its time to move.
Yes, your being somewhat irrational.

As others are saying, if its bothering you this much, move.
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Moving is not an option right now. House is paid for. Awsome view. No close neighbors and 2 great jobs 15 minutes from home. I really like the place.

I have always hated being away from home for long periods. But when my parents were alive I could call home and check on things.
Originally Posted By: Chris142

Am I being irrational or normal?

Probably both.

Perhaps you could investigate remote release of the gate/door of the animal enclosure. If fire is the main concern, some thermal triggering device could automate this as a failsafe/last resort.

No guarantee, but once free the animals (dogs?) survival chances are probably pretty good. I believe you can get tracking devices for collars which should aid recovery.
Originally Posted By: Ducked
Originally Posted By: Chris142

Am I being irrational or normal?

Probably both.

Perhaps you could investigate remote release of the gate/door of the animal enclosure. If fire is the main concern, some thermal triggering device could automate this as a failsafe/last resort.

No guarantee, but once free the animals (dogs?) survival chances are probably pretty good. I believe you can get tracking devices for collars which should aid recovery.
4 cats and 2 dogs. One dog is itty bitty. A rabbit could tear her up lol
You have to realize they are pets, animals and property.
Chances are they are not going to out live them. I know the modern world thinks animals are like people but realize they are just pets. The primitive world reconizes anything with four legs as food. Interesting how that is and which one is really more intelligent.
If you can't cope with reality then put in a doggie door and fence in your back yard and now they have a escape.
While in college, my daughter got paid for no real work, house sitting (sometimes very opulent ones) while the owners were away. Pets were usually the reason. Any relatives, trusted friends or associates, etc who can fill the bill?
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Seeking help for mental health issues is nothing to be ashamed of. I suffer from some pretty bad anxiety and ADHD. We also have 4 cats and 2 dogs, but not in a fire prone place. But if this thread is serious I would 100% recommend seeking some help. There is a lot that can be done and coping mechanisms,
I have the exact same fear as you do Chris, that's why I leave the back kitchen door to the garage wide open. If the house catches fire, my cat can go out the kitchen door, through the back garage doorway, and out to safety. There's not one thing in the house that's worth more than the life of my cat. She's my whole family.
Originally Posted By: user52165
While in college, my daughter got paid for no real work, house sitting (sometimes very opulent ones) while the owners were away. Pets were usually the reason. Any relatives, trusted friends or associates, etc who can fill the bill?
we had my wifes cousin baby sit for us but she is not always available. No other relatives or friends around
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