Your First Oil

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Havoline 10W-30 for my 1980 Audi 5000S. I later quit using Havoline when some local farmers said that both Havoline and Quaker State caused lots of sludge in an engine. This would have been about 1987.
Originally Posted By: dlundblad
Quaker State 10w30.

Same here, for a '75 Ford Maverick (in 1976). K-Mart, it seemed, had everything.
Quaker State Deluxe 10W-40 because that is what Dad used.

30 weight bulk oil in my 33 Ford.
I worked at a Sinclair station so I suppose it was their brand.
It used so much (a quart in 100 miles) I used old used oil in it after that.
Originally Posted By: SteveSRT8
Havoline 10W-30.

Same here. My stepdad was a mechanic for a Ford dealership for many years and he swore by Havoline. Naturally, that's what I used when I started driving too.
Originally Posted By: Silk
A photo...of my 1954 VW, in 1973. Pretty rough eh? Parked up never to be used again (but the engine was) after I lost my license in it for dangerous driving, told to not use it again...and was caught the next day in it.

Anyway, can you see a sticker on the door? That says SE, the lastest most fancy oil in the world...Caltex something. I don't know what oil I used, but know what sticker I used.


Funny, my first car was a 1200cc '64 Beetle, in 1980, 63 MPH on flat ground is as fast as it would go, but with Transporter/Microbus wheels & snow tires mounted BACKWARDS on the rear, it would go anywhere a 4WD would go, once you got it bump started below 30F! Used Valvoline 10W40 (because I didn't know any better, & there were old quarts in the garage).
I am a young one here. My first oil was simple for a beater grand am i had at the age of 16. Dollar General 10w30 because it was $0.90 per quart. I am pretty sure I can name the first oil I purchased for most all of the cars we own.
PYB 10w30,with one of the original blue pureones on my 87 olds 98. With the mk1 3.8l v6.

That was MY first oil change, summer 99, didn't touch a drain plug or filter again until early 2011. I just took everything to the Valvoline ioc in front of my work.
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The first oil I remember buying is M1 5W30 as a topoff for my RAV4.
My first car was a '76 Nova that my dad gave me, think that there was a jug or two of oil he left in that massive trunk but I never checked the oil myself. Until I started changing the oil in my FXT last year, I expected that the dealer or quickie change place would tell me if I was down a lot when I went every 3000 or 3750 miles or whatever. I first bought oil because I had a leak in the RAV4 and wanted to be prepared, but I thought it looked more like ATF and it did turn out to be in the transmission ($3500 repair).
Looking back, I should have been checking my oil more closely, particularly in that Nova. I just did not even think about it.
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G.I. Joe's (a now defunct regional chain store) store brand 10w-40 for my '85 Toyota pickup in 1997 or so. It had the current API certification at the time, and, like now, I had my suspicions that anything beyond that starburst symbol and API certification was mere marketing jargon.
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