Wife is making grumblings about new vehicle....

Mostly for the utility and safety. Saved my life and my wife's life a month ago with a dump truck altercation/unlicensed driver.... She was injured, I was not. Neither of us would be here if it was a car. No joke.
Sadly anecdotes are no substitute for data - statistically you're more likely to die in a "truck" or suv, and you're a LOT more likely to kill someone else.
Sadly anecdotes are no substitute for data - statistically you're more likely to die in a "truck" or suv, and you're a LOT more likely to kill someone else.
That’s not true Haakon. Statistically you are better off in a larger car.

“A bigger, heavier vehicle provides better crash protection than a smaller, lighter one, assuming no other differences between them.“

I am not fan of big vehicles, but must correct you on your statistic reference.
That’s not true Haakon. Statistically you are better off in a larger car.

“A bigger, heavier vehicle provides better crash protection than a smaller, lighter one, assuming no other differences between them.“

I am not fan of big vehicles, but must correct you on your statistic reference.
Doesnt account for rollovers, including single vehicle accidents. And certainly doesn't include the people killed when hit by these behemoths...

For example here in Australia we have strong drink driving laws and good compliance with seat belt laws, and our road toll was steadily decreasing for many decades. But in the last few years as things like Ranger and Hilux becomes the best selling cars, and SUV/4WDs make up 9 of the 10 best sellers our road toll has been increasing again.

A lot of that is rollover deaths, and occupants of normal cars these things plow through. Pedestrian deaths are also increasing sharply for obvious reasons...

Looking at the single aspect of "might is right" is a pretty appalling attitude and incredibly short sighted. Common though sadly...
@Haakon apparently does, as he's on a one-man crusade telling others how to live, and what to drive.

Which is why I said it...
No, just pointing out its a pretty silly choice with some demonstrably poor outcomes ;)

I dislike them on environmental grounds as they unnecessarily consume resources and contribute a lot of GHG and air quality emissions, and I dislike them on the basis they unnecessarily kill a lot of people. Doesn't feel overly unreasonable to question choices made to use them...
No, just pointing out its a pretty silly choice with some demonstrably poor outcomes ;)

I dislike them on environmental grounds as they unnecessarily consume resources and contribute a lot of GHG and air quality emissions, and I dislike them on the basis they unnecessarily kill a lot of people. Doesn't feel overly unreasonable to question choices made to use them...

So what I said is accurate.

Although you deny it is, then go on to confirm it... ;)
I’m pretty sure if I said I’m a chain smoker, a lot of people would tell me to quit. Would they be telling me how to live?

I see Haakon’s point. Large vehicles cause lots of “side” issues, such as road wear and greater damage during accidents, and are a greater drain on the resources. These are simple and undeniable facts.

Personally I’m don’t have a problem with that. We use what we use and let the generations after us worry about their problems. I’d rather have them innovate than fight for whatever scraps we leave them. So use it all up and use it quick!
I’m pretty sure if I said I’m a chain smoker, a lot of people would tell me to quit. Would they be telling me how to live?

I see Haakon’s point. Large vehicles cause lots of “side” issues, such as road wear and greater damage during accidents, and are a greater drain on the resources. These are simple and undeniable facts.
if people only bought a vehicle that made sense, most people would be driving something small and hybrid..
since many people drive vehicles that are extensions of their personality, that idea will work about as well as any other form of mind control... :)
It's times like this, I'm happy we own vehicles that are certain to offend someone...

The incredible handling sportscar which goes and stops better than most other road legal vehicles, will offend the 'practical' crowd.
The fancy AWD SUV with way too much power will offend those who hate such things. Especially since it's German...
The slow 4wd SUV will offend people that don't like heavy, softly suspended vehicles. Especially if it's Japanese.
The Dually will offend lots of people, based on some of the comments I've heard from simpleton busy-bodies.
The sportscoupe with it's high-winding engine and mellifluous exhaust note seems to offend people, who don't like others enjoying life.
The Sportbikes will offend those who consider them too dangerous for the general public.
The dirtbikes I'm sure offend someone too.
I almost forgot the 4 cylinder automatic sedans. They're basic transporation. I inherited them. They're old, but look and drive like new. I'm sure someone could find a reason to hate them...

The wife and I are proud to offend daily. 😁
Invest more in help and sharing. Not in a competition on who has the most toys.
No, just pointing out its a pretty silly choice with some demonstrably poor outcomes ;)

I dislike them on environmental grounds as they unnecessarily consume resources and contribute a lot of GHG and air quality emissions, and I dislike them on the basis they unnecessarily kill a lot of people. Doesn't feel overly unreasonable to question choices made to use them...
I agree with you. I wish people chose smaller vehicles as a matter of personal choice. But that is not happening. It’s human nature. Human nature always wants more and more. And bigger is more, so…

I only hope that governments don’t enable those choices when gas prices go up during the next gas crisis. If people want to buy big gas guzzlers, they have no good excuse to complain about government handouts when gas prices soar. Shoulda just bought a fuel sipper.
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Invest more in help and sharing. Not in a competition on who has the most toys.

No, it's not a competition.

We still live in a somewhat free society. I find someone presuming to tell others what to drive, and how to live, offensive.

Our vehicles were bought for our use and enjoyment, we don't need to justify them to anyone. At least until we reach a dystopian (near?) future where our 'dear leaders' dictate what we are allowed to drive...

The bigger vehicles DO contribute more to maintaining the roads, through more fuel taxes paid at the pump, and annual registration fees, property taxes, etc. Not to mention their purchase and upkeep contributes to keeping people employed, and the economy humming.

I am impressed that you can deduce someones charitable contributions, by the vehicles they own. My advice would be to concern yourself with yourself.
I was under the understanding the Taos engine has head failure issues that have yet to be addressed..The 2.0 VW engine is pretty tried and true at this late generational stage.
I asked the wife last night if she wanted to go out this week and do some looking and she said why?
So......I won't profess to know the inner workings of her mind or women's minds in general, it looks like I have received a reprieve until she changes her mind and telepathically communicates her decision to me. I will then be in the dog house because I am not a mind reader. You would think after 40+ years I would have more understanding but you would be wrong.
Thanks for all the thoughtful comments and I will revisit this topic when she makes her next murky request. BTW, she was pressuring me a while back about a RV and I flat out said no. I told her that for the initial and ongoing costs that we could spend many nights in hotels, buy many gallons of gasoline and eat meals cooked by strangers probably until the time I lose the ability to drive because of age. I suppose I could have leveraged her RV desire into a new larger truck for me to haul whatever trailer she chose, but those costs would truly drain our savings to what I feel would be a dangerous level. So until the next time.
VW fixed the head gasket issue ~½ way through the 2023 model year. The Taos in my sig is one from before the fix so we will see how things go, it is a lease so we aren't too terribly hung up about it as it seems not all of them fail just some. It is a fantastic car and I actually like it more than the few Tiguan loaners I have had, I am not a fan of the Budack cycle 2.0T which completely wrecks all the good characteristics of the usually fantastic 2.0T. The Taos is huge on the inside, it is surprising the first time you get in and you wonder how something so compact on the outside can have that much interior space.

Keep in mind Tiguan is moving on to it's next generation which is already out in EU so I believe this might be last model year of the current Tig so keep that in mind if your wife is set on the Tiggy. Sounds like North America may finally get the PHEV Tiguan as well but might have to wait to see if that happens.

One thing for both and even the current Tig in your sig is to get Carista and fix the completely wonky throttle mapping. While the current Taos and Tiguan have improved throttle mapping straight from the factory the Carista setting to direct totally transformed the Taos and made it much more enjoyable to drive.

Good luck with the potential new car purchase!
So where do you park all those cars in the winter out there?
The Tiguan is parked at my daughters apartment complex. Everything else is in my garage except the Nissan which parks on my RV pad next to the house.