Why does BMW recommend Castrol oil?

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Originally posted by Matt89:


For the same reason it paid off for Madonna to stick her tongue down Britney Spear's throat on MTV: Marketing, Marketing, Marketing!


I'd use Castrol if it had a picture of that on the bottle...


With this under the picture: "We use Castrol" followed by their signatures—just like you see photos of famous race car drivers and their signatures on some European Castrol bottles.
I have an '02 Accent, 1.6L. It states to use a high quality oil that meats such and such specs, such as Castrol motor oil. So it doesn't say to use Castrol, but uses Castrol as an example of what should be used.

With this under the picture: "We use Castrol" followed by their signatures—just like you see photos of famous race car drivers and their signatures on some European Castrol bottles.

Even better it could say "We use Castrol...in our cars too!". Of course they'd have to be winking in the picture.
Hey BEN! We had a history class together last year with Mrs. Dull. I saw you driving your 2CV on the hiway a few months ago too, awesome looking car man!
Maybe it's not all marketing:

Dort ist natürlich auch der neue Audi A4 DTM aus nächster Nähe zu sehen, dessen Herzstück der rund 460 PS starke Vierliter-V8-Motor ist. Das Triebwerk ist weit hinter der Vorderachse eingebaut, um eine optimale Gewichtsverteilung des Autos zu erreichen. Für perfekte Schmierung ist ohnehin gesorgt: Abt Sportsline verwendet Castrol FORMULA SLX. Das im normalen Werkstatt-Handel erhältliche Voll-Synthese-Öl ist extrem Hitzebeständig und sorgt selbst bei langen Vollgas-Passagen wie beim Nürnberger Stadtrennen auf dem Norisring für einen schützenden Schmierfilm. Durch seine innovative Molekularstruktur und seine zukunftsweisende Additiv-Technologie reduziert Castrol FORMULA SLX Reibungen und sorgt so für eine optimale Leistungsausbeute. Gleichzeitig schützt das Öl das Triebwerk vor Schäden - in der DTM ein entscheidender Faktor. Denn das technische Reglement erlaubt den Teams pro Saison mit immerhin zehn Rennen lediglich den Einsatz von drei Motoren für jeweils zwei Fahrer.
How's that NOT all marketing? They even point out that SLX is a readily available consumer product. Everything else they say are platitudes.

Reminds me of a Bayer Aspirin commercial. "Most doctors use Bayer Aspirin. No other aspirin prevents heart attacks better than Bayer Aspirin." Right, but no other aspirin is less effective either.

[ November 25, 2004, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: moribundman ]
Could it be that maybe castrol is superior oil?

Then again, the 5w20 does have an ht/hs of 2.8 vs everyone else's 2.6 (yes,yes, except redline, I know). and if their other oils follow suit.....it could explain why it would be the oil of choice in high stress apps....just a thought....
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