Which filter would flow better?

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Jan 11, 2007
IF both filters have the same media, then the one with more media area will have less delta-p at the same oil flow.

One really doesn't "flow any better" ... UNLESS (like I said in the other thread), your oil pump is in pressure relief. An example where that could happen is if you rev the engine near redline with cold oil, or rev the engine to near redline when hot with a much higher viscosity oil.

A more flow restrictive oil filter will make the oil pump hit pressure relief a little sooner (but only talking maybe 5 PSI) than a more free flowing oil filter. An oil filter would have to be super restrictive for it to effect an engine's health at high RPM. Most oil filters are 1/15th as restrictive as the engine's oiling system.
Originally Posted By: dx92beater
I am not sure whether or not I can deduct which filter would flow better based upon canister size, but was hoping it would be that simple.

Is it as simple as multiplying height by diameter if all other things are identical? It usually isn't unfortunately, so I figured that I'd ask.

Here are the 2 K&N filters in question:




Hard to say since the taller one has a smaller diameter. I'd suggest emailing or calling K&N and ask them if they know what the media area is in each of those filters. Only other way to know for sure is to cut them open, measure and compare area. I've done that on some Purolators, and the smaller diameter taller one had more media area (by 25% more) than the fatter shorter filter.
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