Where is this from? Any idea on age?

Nov 24, 2003
Middle of Iowa
I bought this for my bride for her birthday the other day. The owner had recently inherited it from a relative that had passed on, and IMHO was just trying to clean out some "junk". I bought it for a song. The more I look at it, the more I think it is something special...or just a fraud. Several of the countries and cities are not spelled correctly. They spelled Jamaica as "Jamaida" and Copenhagen as "Kobenhavn"...is this due to it being just extremely old, or is it from another country?

It's not that old. They show "Belarus" which was a former Soviet state and not typically shown separately. Same with Lithuania, etc.
exactly what makes me think it is from another country...you know not everybody calls us the "United States of America"
What I'm saying is that regardless what country this is from, some of these are just spelled with mistakes. I know of no language that would use that spelling, but maybe one exists?
When I google the names they always seem to come up with the correct spelling...so it isn't like they are just random errors
It's interesting. The countries are very rough. Just sort of blocked in. Very pretty, though. Does it have New Zealand?
It's from the mall, from the 90s ?

There was a store, used to sell globes 🌎 and science projects. Awesome store

Incredible Universe, or I forget...

EDIT: Maybe it's not.

Maybe Poland.. ?
When I google the names they always seem to come up with the correct spelling...so it isn't like they are just random errors
No telling why different countries are spelled wrong. It's not like the names are in Dutch or Croatian or Arabic because Google wouldn't "correct" the search term spelling. It would explain what "Kfjev" is and so on.