Where do you buy your electronics?

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I still use a NAD dvd changer as a transport for CDs, which is connected to a small but significant external DAC (for when I am doing a serious music-listening evening).

Whatever bit rate MP3, it just doesn't sound like CDs to me.

On Topic: Look in audiogon, in used section - lots of great deals there; that's where I got my NAD changer. (AND the music Hall amp, only 1 month old and half normal price)


I've got a 10+ year old Yamaha CD carousel in the basement that I use occasionally, too. It actually has a fairly decent DAC, at least to my old ears.
The one great thing about Yamaha transports is that they can play even heavily scratched CDs. The same could not be said about Sony transports of that era, both CD and DVD players.
old Yamahas are killer stuff!
To be honest, I have tested the NAD with its int. DAC and the ext DAC, and I must admit, i could only tell a difference (where the ext DAC was better) only on 3 CDs that I own (out of about 40). The difference was small, but it was there (soundstage was better and vocals were more close up and more natural sounding).

With a lesser (onkyo) changer I had before, the difference could be heard pretty much 100% of the time.
Originally Posted By: Vikas
You are right, he has no idea what an 8-track player is but I bet he knows MP3 players :)

Anyway, I am like a broken record here (does he know what that mean?? :)

Yep I do know but like QP, never seen an 8 track in person.
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