What's your recipe for DIY house wash solution?

Oct 7, 2012
North Carolina
I've been using the Clorox brand of house wash and as the price gets above $8 for something less than a gallon I'm ready to roll my own. Interested in learning what home brew others have used and the results. I'll be using a pump sprayer and the main intent is to get rid of mildew, etc., on painted surfaces (painted wood and masonry primarily). I have Googled this subject and see a variety of options including vinegar and TSP. Looking for a chorine bleach/water based solution with specific measurements please. TIA
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If your termite guy uses Termidor to treat your house , do not use household bleach . It can neutralize the Termidor .
My previous house has white aluminum siding. I used Mold Armor attached to a hose and it worked very well. I did ruin a t-shirt in the process.

Affected t-shirt.

Try one gallon of water with one cup of Clorox bleach and one teaspoon of Dawn dish detergent. See how it works for your application. If not effective enough increase bleach by 1/2 cup. Too much bleach will oxidize the paint.
I use some liquid car wash in a spray applicator on the end of a hose. If there is some mold, I will mix a small amount of bleach into the mix.