What're your home thermostat settings?

-5C today and overcast so no major solar gain, so I predict 8-9 chunks of maple into the woodstove, 40-50lbs? Averages about 12,000 btu's for 24hrs which equals around 20-21C in the main room with the stove and pleasantly cooler in the bedrooms.
Been heating with wood for about 20 years....Wood stove in the living room, 2000 sq ft. LR is around 72F ,kitchen is most distant from the stove, about 65F. Propane back up forced air, thermostat set at 59, used when were are gone for a day or so..
We use around 12-14 face cord of hardwood a year
We usually set it to 68F in the winter and 78F in the summer if we feel like turning it on. Sometimes we didn't even bother turning it on until below 56F if it wasn't feeling too cold.
We usually set it to 68F in the winter and 78F in the summer if we feel like turning it on. Sometimes we didn't even bother turning it on until below 56F if it wasn't feeling too cold.
I'm noticing alot of you guys have your temps set lower in the winter than in the summer. Why is that ?
warm enough for me in the winter
I use to be burning up all the time when i was young .....since i hit 60....im cold most of the time and cant find a happy setting.
In the summer about 74....when its 95 outside and 70 percent humid its never going to shut off anyway....and night 72.
In the Winter my GF from Minnnesota likes it COLD....so i keep the heater on 62.....for her.....in my bedroom I have a space heater.....keeps it about 69-70.....her room is sometimes 58-59 and she is snoring away. She likes heavy blankets which I cant stand ... for me I like just a sheet in the summer and a light blanket in winter months....
I'm noticing alot of you guys have your temps set lower in the winter than in the summer. Why is that ?
1st reason: my wife and I are opposite, I want it warm she wants it cool, we fight for the middle ground. She’s complains our bedroom is too hot if I set it to 70F, I complain it’s too cold at 67.

2. Money, my worst utility bill so far was $330 for both electric and gas… ridiculous for a 1800sq ft house.
I get cold just seeing people here setting the heat to low 60s! Your bills must be next to nothing setting it that low or you truly are comfortable at that temperature. Sitting in the house watching tv, eating, etc would be uncomfortable for us below 70 unless we were wrapped in blankets or wearing coats.

72 is my winter and summer temp, down to 67 or 68 in our room at night.
I have a 20 month old and make the thermostat monitor his room to make sure it doesn't get below about 67...he hasn't figured out that blankets on top of you when you sleep is the way to go lol. Humidity also plays a big part in comfort...most of the winter my indoor humidity is around 20% so no way low 60s would be comfy.
73 daytime in winter, 64 nighttime in winter this year so far. (new home this year may end up back at 72 and 62)

Previous home was 70/72 daytime and 62 nighttime. (at one point 58 at night!)
65-66 night, 68-70 day. The thermostat is on middle level and the downstairs/upstairs is at least 3 degrees cooler/warmer. The house really needs an air exchange system between the lower and upper levels.

IMO annything under 64 is too cool and anything over 73 is too warm. Ideal is 68-70. Some of yall built different lol.