What is your best "oil salad"

After work oil change on friends 09’ Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.7? 4WD.

OUT: ProTec filter and unknown

In: “oil salad” swill of TOTAL 10w60, 1quart and 2 quarts FRAM 0w40, 2 quarts edge EP 0w20 and 1 quart M1 0w40 SM

Filter that went on was ancient WIX from 2017
3qts Mobil 1 15w50
1qt Mobil Racing 0w30
In- 1974.5 MGB GT W/Overdrive

Thinking the Mobil 1 15w50 didn’t have enough ZPPD but later I found out it actually does have a good amount for my Flat Tappet MG 1.8L.
I asked bing image creator.

oil salad.webp
For brothers neighbors old Honda CRV with 297k on it

Out: black oil and Fram pro filter.

In: HPL NO VII5w20, some HPL EC 30 cleaner and some M1 0w30 ESP that someone dropped on my porch. With Fram endurance filter. He says “sounds smoother and quieter”
My 4.0L ford ranger takes about 4.75L for the dipstick to read full, so i take the remainder of whatever 5L jug i used and put it in a 1L bottle for topping off my daughter's oil burner when she comes to visit.
Frankenbrew for friend 88’ Jeep Commanche 4.0

14x,xxx miles

Out: MC-FL1A and guessing Rural King all fleet dual rated HDEO CJ4/SM OIL judging by empty jugs in cab. Another MC-FL1A going on. Date code is 2016😱😱😱

In: last of my 4 TOTAL 10w60 liters/quarts and 3 quarts of QSUD 5w40