What bugs you that you read here on BITOG

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Originally Posted By: sprintman
Aldsaris if you think eating properly is 'snobbery' your a bigger idiot than I already knew you were. What a tosser!
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Your honor, I rest my case. Enjoy your vegan tofu vegemite.
Apparently you are assuming that once a vehicle vanishes from your life that is also vanishing from existence, forgetting that is has the same opportunity for renewal with the new owner as it did with the original one.
Originally Posted By: TooManyWheels
Apparently you are assuming that once a vehicle vanishes from your life that is also vanishing from existence, forgetting that is has the same opportunity for renewal with the new owner as it did with the original one.
Trust me when it vanishes from my sight there is nothing left of it. I'm like a fat lady at a buffet. I GET MY MONIES WORTH!
Originally Posted By: sprintman
Aldaris where did I say I was a Vegan or Vegetariun? Your real good at making stuff up, not much good at anything else.
My friend, I have forgotten more about automobiles, computers and aviation than you will ever know in your entire life. But if it makes you feel better, you've forgotten more about counter culture, farm-raised free-range organic tofu, and rainbows, than I would ever learn in five hundred lifetimes.
It was supposed to remain civil as states above. It was to air out what gets under peoples skin so we can see if we all have the same issues or not. Unfortunately some people can't keep their comments off their keyboards.
Originally Posted By: StevieC
So spending $30K for a new car somehow is better than repairing a 10-12 year old vehicle, that lets say, needs and engine & transmission?

Last I checked Engines/Trannies and labour doesn't come up to be that much.

Not being a jerk, just don't see the logic.

Also a car that is old doesn't have to be a polluter so long as it was looked after with proper maintenance. Sure it's not as efficient as the newest vehicle but it's only slight and if you offset the waste it creates sending it to the junk yard to sit, it weighs heavily in the favour of keeping/repairing the old car IMO.

Depends on the vehicle, StevieC. I had a 10 year old 110k mile Buick Century that had a very expensive transmission rebuild. Paint was bad, engine sensors kept malfunctioning (even the dealer couldn't fix them), AC grenaded, ran bad (sensors again), etc. I couldn't wait to get rid of that piece of junk, and am sorry for every wasted repair performed after 100k miles. And it wasn't maintained poorly.
Now, I have a 14 year old 115k Toyota RAV4 that looks and runs like new, ditto on a 13 year old Chevy truck , and my "new" car is a pristine 8.5 year old Camaro. I would replace both the engine and transmission on any of those vehicles without blinking an eye.
"forgotten more about automobiles, computers, and aviiation eh?" Let's see I was born in an air force hospital, spent most of my life living on military bases, joined the air force, joined NASA, then Defence with the computer industry for 33 years, and ownwed 26 cars. I doubt if you know [censored] compared to me!
Originally Posted By: sprintman
"forgotten more about automobiles, computers, and aviiation eh?" Let's see I was spawned in a jail hospital, spent most of my life imprisoned on military bases, court martialed from the air force, rejected from NASA, then Defence with the computer industry for 0.33 years, and owned 26 cats. I doubt if you know [censored] compared to me!
The best thing about the internet is that anyone can claim to be anything they fancy. An Australian with NASA. As for you, you are the reason why I flatly refuse to fly to Australia, even on a free business-class ticket that I do have available to use. In any case, I do wish you the best, and hope that you pass less judgment on American peoples' culinary choices.

This is my last post in this thread, and I will allow the thread to resume its course.

All my best,
Originally Posted By: StevieC
Ok guys, lets leave it here before the thread gets locked. Please take it to PM's.


Originally Posted By: Pablo
A couple more:

When people go personal attack mode in oil threads. Wow.

Well doesn't violate my rule. Not an oil thread!!
People that read a few threads and pretend to be experts.

People that feel the need to respond to threads even though their comments add nothing to the substance of the discussion.

People that feel the need to reply multiple times to a thread-say what you mean then move on.

People that feel the need to post and post and post only to increase their post count. They are a bit like an old girlfriend-they talk a lot but never say anything.
Originally Posted By: Vilan
Originally Posted By: simple_gifts
I never get PMs 8(

I don't think any guy gets PMS.

Maybe you need to read more of certain peoples' posts around here.
I was a shift technician at Orroral Valey Tracking Station for four years, part of the NASA STADAN (Space Tracking And Data Acquisition Network) here in the ACT along with Honeysuckle Creek, and Tidbinbilla tracking station crewed almost exclusively by Australians. There were seven NASA tracking stations in Austtralia, only Tidbinbilla survives. Seems some people have trouble believing this?
Does it matter? Someone just insinuated that you may be telling a tall one ..without outright saying you were. Poking ewe's witha stick, mate.

If it means anything, I believe you.

back on topic:

It doesn't bother me, but I do find that many posts have certain ..unchanging ingredients.

You'll have a various mix of advice that will form a loose consensus of opinion ..you'll have one or two slightly off center schools of thought (not necessarily wrong) ...then there will be one or two who will ...hmmm..they're not necessarily "Chicken Little's" ..but more like rhetorical harbingers of doom.

I think I regard them as the "You'll shoot your eye out, kid!" type. They always assume the worst ..even if 99.44% of the evidence points 180° out from their position.

Q: I left my oil in 1000 miles too long
A: Don't worry about it
A: Yeah, you're fine
A: I forgot mine once for over a year ..two years in a row!
A: Do a UOA and find out

A: Going too long (no matter how short the OCI was ..it's too long for Spankie) can be dangerous. It may be battery acid by now.

I also enjoy the "urban legend" poster.

No, really, my best friends brother, who's a mechanic, ran 86.3 miles with no oil pressure and the engine still has the cross hatch on the cylinders when he tore it down since he was convinced it was toast. Totally clean inside too.

That poster I envision as the guy in Close Encounters of the Third Kind who reported that he also saw Big Foot in addition to the UFO's.
Gary it was a great job, and with only a few techs per shift the majority operastors, it was an awesome responsibility at 23 years of age. One wrong command from me could have crippled an satellite such as OAO, Landsat, ATS etc. Here's a site that shows all the Oz sites. Nothing left at Honeysuckle or Orroral now except concrete pads and plaques.

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