What are you tired of?

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I'm tired of all the teams I like losing.....

Dodgers (baseball)
Lakers (basketball)
Raiders (football)
Kings (hockey)
Thuderbirds (roller derby)


Originally posted by Shannow:
I had very much the same experience this morning...had last week off, visiting my parents, and playing with my daughter.


Well, for today, I decided to try the shower and come to work thing instead of the knife or tyhe window...but it was close.
1. People who lack Heart and Faith in things
2. People who do things because it's fashionable and convienent for them, sort of a status thing.
3. The SNOW, 15 inches here.

1. Death, and then adoration, of another rap artist.
2. Infomercials and the genuine, "excited" audience members, clapping like little robots.
3. Seeing ribbons for every tragedy, mishap, cause, etc.
4. Candel lighting ceremonies.
5. Movie stars and the pathetic lives they live.
6. How all stores in the mall have 99% female clothes and 1% mens stuff. The mens clothes are always way in the back too, behind the womens.
7. Atkins diet and the people on it.
8. Cat hair.
9. Comedians that use the "f" word in every sentence.
10. Dave's top ten list.
1. Job hunting - I swear we live in a depression.
2. Walmart and everything that it is
3. Gas prices, Iraq War, and the media
4. While Im at it - Television and all it's commercials
5. Commercials before movies in the theatres!
6. Huge overpriced portions at restaurants
7. People not washing their hands after urinating
8. Front Wheel Drive

Originally posted by Shannow:
Corporate double standards.

Amen to that.

Have I ever mentioned the time my last boss wouldn't let me use sick time to go get dental work done and made me burn up a vacation day to do so (and let me tell you, 3-1/2 hours in the chair was NOT a vacation by any stretch of the imagination), but had no qualms about taking a "sick" day to stay home when his furnace broke? Oh, and his wife was a stay-at-home Mom, so it's not like no one would have been home if he didn't stay there.

This one really ticked me off this morning -- why is it that the floor mats in my truck, the "stay in place" kind with the gripper pegs on the bottom only want to stay in place when I'm trying to pull them back into proper position???? They don't seem to have a problem sliding forward....

And before anyone suggests it, yes, I do have the mats facing the proper direction....

Originally posted by opus1:
This one really ticked me off this morning -- why is it that the floor mats in my truck, the "stay in place" kind with the gripper pegs on the bottom only want to stay in place when I'm trying to pull them back into proper position???? They don't seem to have a problem sliding forward....

The Saturn Ion has a little hook in the carpet to prevent the mats from sliding forward. It probably costs all of 2 cents to make and should be in every car on the road, IMHO.
1. Tired of people that constantly complain about "big tobacco" and smoking. Enough already!
2. Coffee breath.
3. Apartments.
4. Noisy overweight people in movie theaters that constantly make noise from eating....wrappers, drinking pop in an ice filled cup, cracking seeds, burping.
5. Cell phone's and the lack of clear reception.
6. The english language and how the same sounding word can be spelled so differently. Example: They're, thier, there.
7. Menopause.
8. Those motorcycle fabricators on TV. I think I'm talking about the Orange County Chopper guys. It's getting old. I'll include that other show with "Jesse James" (what kind of a name is that?) and his stupid way of wearing hats etc.
9. Michael Jackson news.
10. Christina Aguilara, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton etc. These girls are supposed to be what's "hot"? Give me a break!
Then don't participate on this subject matter....after all, nobody is forcing you to reply.
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