What are you tired of?

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Waiting to enjoy the feeling of a rolling deck under your feet and the smell of breakfast cooking on the 4-8 Watch again!
What am I tired of ?


That's the worst, but down here, there was a Police call about ten days ago for information on three teenagers caught (on train station CCTV) stomping on an 8 week old kitten.

That hit the media, and within days, there was a kitten doused in petrol and burned.

Then yesterday, two kittens were stomped to death, and strung on a fence.

Copycats are pathetic.
losers copying losers.....I can't really think of anything much lower.

But somehow people have difficulty emulating winners....yeah I'm tired of that, too. I'm not talking about stealing or copying, just learning what works.....

We have become lazy and worse.....
Adhesive packages with so many warning in English and Spanish there is no room left for directions. I guess another benefit brought to us by the trial lawyers.
The produce section of most grocery stores. Have you ever found all the fruit to actually be ripe? I sure haven't. Most of the time the plums are as hard as rocks, the mellons are half green, and the pears/peaches are only fit for shot-putting. Farmers stands are the way to go!!
andrews, my Grandad was owned a fruit and veg shop.

When he came back from market, he'd sort it all out.

Stuff with one speck or bruise was sold cheaply to the local hospital, or locals could buy a "bag of specs" for next to nothing.

Two specks/bruises and they were sold to a local pig farmer (now an illegal act...I hate that).

Stuff on the shelf was always top quality.

In the supermarket recently, and I asked if they had any bananas out the back, because the ones on display were aweful, black etc.

"Yeah we do, but we won't put them out until all of those are sold."
Sounds like your Grandad knew that selling quality produce is the right thing to do. Ethics and pride in what you sell seems to take a back seat to profits these days. Who wants fruit that takes an extra few days to ripen after you get it home? A lot of it is supposed to ripen on the tree anyway....not in your kitchen window.
We all make spelling errors, we all make typos. I surely do, and this site's 2 hour editing limit is costing me some sleep. Anyway, what really bothers me are signatures that contain spelling and grammar errors. If something is important enough to be used as a signature, make sure it's correct, for crying out loud! As Churchill said, "Up with this I will not put."
I am also tired of people with hard to see addresses on their houses. As a pizza delivery guy it is really annoying and I am really glad I don't drive an ambulance. I've never had a pizza die on me but I know I'd have dead patients by now...

The following have to go:
-houses without addresses
-unaddressed houses on unmarked streets, yes they do exist!
-written addresses
-gold addresses
-addresses under 6" tall
-addresses hidden behind trees, artsy crap, etc.
-addresses that aren't black on white or white on black
-addresses directly below a spot light
-addresses on the garage instead of the house
-addresses on your house when you live further than 20 feet from the road, put your address on a stick at the beginning of your driveway
-houses addressed on one street but have the driveway on another street
-I won't even get into the retarded ways people have managed to address apartment units, well, I was in a building with a "1", "1a", and a "101" on the second floor #$%@#$%@#$

Okay, rant over. I had to deliver to a house tonight where I drove up 3 driveways before finding the right place. I ain't telepathic and I ain't gettin a "spidy sense" when I fly past your house either.

Cheers, Steve

Like Yoda Churchill did write.

There was a bit of physical resemblance too [Big Grin]

While I can easily see Yoda giving one of Sir Winston's speeches, I do have some serious problems imagining Sir Winston beating up on Count Dooku with a lightsaber. I think Churchill's bowler hat and cigar keep throwing me off!

A tad thin skinned, aren't we.


If I am expected to have the hide of a rhino, yes. A poke in good fun is fine, but an insult is still an insult. If I didn't want to participate in a thread of yours, I wouldn't post a comment that may incite or insult. Common courtesy is more important than tolerance in this upside down society.
Wow, you read volumes into a simple comment....Does the phrase "tongue in cheek" have any meaning for you?


[ January 30, 2005, 01:55 AM: Message edited by: Dan4510 ]

How about "what are you tired of" questions.


Where would the indication be that this is a "tongue in cheek" comment? I see no "lol" or "just kidding" etc. If you were being humorous, fine, but how about letting the target know? After all, I can't read your mind. And as far as reading "volumes" into it......I call it as I see it, from the available information. You didn't provide any indication that this was a "joke".
Take care.
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