What are you tired of?

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A large population of Americans have already turned our language into "gutter-speak"......ever hear of EBONICS? I think most Mexican folks come here to work, and work HARD. Same with the Asian nations.

Originally posted by andrews:
A large population of Americans have already turned our language into "gutter-speak"......ever hear of EBONICS? I think most Mexican folks come here to work, and work HARD. Same with the Asian nations.

Yea, so..........they all should learn to speak English. They should work hard in Mexico.

Originally posted by joatmon:
People complaining about others driving 4X4s., SUVs, etc.

When it comes right down to it, most of what I spend is not necessary in the eyes of others. I lived in a 5 bedroom house with just my wife and I for over 12 years. I have 2 SUVs. I go out to eat for no good reason. I've got more tools than I need and won't ever use all of them. I just bought 3 expensive mattresses for the family for no good reason. We're all going to Disney World next month for no good reason. I just bought a new road bike when the 22 year old one did fine. And I won't even go into lubrication habits.

Think about it. If we all spend only what is necessary or for "your" good reasons, the economy would crash and burn almost instantly.

This concept of buying what you want works well for me and my family and I hope it works well for you and your family.

Best wishes,


YES!!! I couldn't have said it better myself!
I'm tired of having my taxes audited every year. First they audit me and give me more money than I paid in, then they audit me a year later and demand the money back with interest. I must be their best investment or something...

Just some:

1. bad drivers
2. people who insist that you can’t drive a car more then 5 years old.
3. people who make money from Realty at the expense of the American Dream.
I haven't had a good fight with the IRS in years. Last notice I got, I was relieved to discover that yes I had made a mistake. They are very easy to get tired of.
People who pull out in front of you...WTH? Do these people WANT to be rear-ended???

Chicago drivers only going 60MPH in the left lane anywhere within a 500 mile radius of Lake Michigan.

Spam Email and computer viruses.

Microsoft Windows. Same 32-bit software from 1993. Samson was right, there's nothing new under the sun, especially at Microsoft.

Being married.

Anything Valvoline.

GC topics (save for the BIG analysis)

Cell phone prices. Too much money just to chit chat. And you wind up paying for two phones, one at home, one on the road. Tired of paying two phone bills.

Originally posted by N2OIL:
10 Smokers to meet me at every business I need to enter. And the enjoyable second hand smoke!!! I guess a smokers room is out??

Smokers rooms need maintenance, while the outdoors doesn't.

If it's any consolation, the place I'm working at part-time right now has specific instructions on where workers are allowed to smoke, and it's about as far away from the entrance/exit as possible without getting away from the building itself. On a 10-minute break, a smoker could literally spend the entire break walking to and from the spot without ever taking a puff.

Here are my gripes.

1) People who pay by check at the store and seem to be completely surprised when it comes time to pay -- if you're not going to have the check filled out when you get in line (with everything but the amount, of course), at least have the friggin' check book OUT and the pen to write the check with.

2) People who cut me off in traffic and the minute they're in front of me, forget what the big hurry was and slow down, forcing me to pass them when they could have just pulled in behind me.

3) People who insist on going to work sick. I'm not talking minor cold, I'm talking full-blown hacking coughs and sneezing. How effective are you really being when you have to reach for a Kleenex and blow every 30 seconds?

4) The #(*$*ing rabbits that eat my plants every year. I planted those bulbs for my enjoyment, not as some sort of rabbit smorgasboard.

Originally posted by Pablo:
1) People griping about stuff.


Reminds me of a scene in Austin Powers: Goldmember, when Austin's father says:

"There are two things I cannot stand: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch!"

GC topics


Honestly I have nothing against this oil. I may even use it if I can find it. But the whole elf thing is really stupid (I know, I know, but please define my real middle name: Aubrey). The one guy goes on and on, and every second new person asks the same question over and over.......I actually don't even read the GC related posts too often and they are still BORING....sorry and yes I too donated and am very interested in the composition.

No offense to the GC gang, but I am allowed my opinion, too.
agreed then. courtney love's gotta go. now, how do we make it look like an accident? drug overdose? nah, she'd never do that! how about....

1. People that pull out the coupons at the supermarket register and slow everybody down, and use the same store as thier own bank (change bills, cash out, getting quarters etc.).
2. People that let thier dogs poop any place it wants and then don't clean it up (and I am a dog lover).
3. Anything MTV!!!!!!
4. Any new TV show where the female is the "tough guy".
5. New Macdonald's "ebonic" sloagan..."I'm lovin it"!!

Originally posted by andrews:

5. New Macdonald's "ebonic" sloagan..."I'm lovin it"!!

That's the most annoying slogan. It should be "I'm gaining weight!"

Went to Chick-Fil-A yesterday, had their chicken nuggets for the first time. They were VERY good because they were made from chicken and NOT greasy! McDonalds sucks. It's all grease and fat.
1. getting up every 3rd morning at 7 am so I can be to work on time.

2. really cold weather (and it just started!)

3. people who want everyone to know they hate SUV's and still tell you when you already know.

4. people who blame high gas prices on SUV's, but don't blame tobacco, alcohol, and mcdonalds for high health insurance costs.

5. people who complain about high gas prices and blame everybody else while they have not attempted to look into alternative fuel for their vehicles.

6. hip-hugger jeans

7. being forced to buy things made in china becuase there is no alternative.

8. not being able to ride my motorcycle because its cold and snowy outside. (my motorcycle gets over 50 mpg, so I'm paying for everybody who drives a car when I get gas)

9. gas prices being 10 cents cheaper 20 miles away when I live 2 miles from a refinery.

10. anything that has to do with a big tidal wave.

11. did I mention it's cold outside?

12. people who think anybody driving faster than them is driving too fast.

13. people who think that anybody driving slower than them is driving too slow.

[ January 18, 2005, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: medic ]
1)Kerry supporters still whining that he lost and talking about 'voter disenfranchisement'.
2)Michael Moore- the fat slob loser
1 - People driving at an inappropriate speed for the lane they're driving in (too fast or too slow).
2 - People that can't hold an intelligent argument without getting emotionally upset or offended. An argument doesn't have to be a negative thing.
3 - Along the same lines as #2, people that are too stubborn to admit that they might be wrong or that you have a good point when that point weakens their argument.
4 - Radio stations that switch to 100% Christmas music at the beginning of November. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for Christmas music, but can't we wait until Thanksgiving at least? Having it too early ruins it for me.
5 - Uh, Courtney Love?
1. idiot drivers
2. pollution
3. politicians
4. lying (see #3)
5. poor engineering
6. wasting money
7. mistreatment of animals or the environment
8. stealing
9. running out of toilet paper and hot water
10. cold weather
11. slow economy
12. everything

Originally posted by opus1:
If it's any consolation, the place I'm working at part-time right now has specific instructions on where workers are allowed to smoke, and it's about as far away from the entrance/exit as possible without getting away from the building itself. On a 10-minute break, a smoker could literally spend the entire break walking to and from the spot without ever taking a puff.

Wouldn't work here, as the 10 minute break would start the second that they got to the designated spot.

Smokers are sacrisanct down here, and untouchable.

My Dad wrote a submission, suggesting that non-smokers should be given the last 40 minutes of their day off, as they don't smoke, and therefore did not fritter away 40(plus minutes) per day of paid time smoking, gossiping, or going to smoke/gossip.

Didn't succeed.


Originally posted by opus1:
3) People who insist on going to work sick. I'm not talking minor cold, I'm talking full-blown hacking coughs and sneezing. How effective are you really being when you have to reach for a Kleenex and blow every 30 seconds?

My employer has decided that rather than managing malingerers, they will reward people who have no sick time for 12 months, or 5 years.

One year with no sick leave, and you get $100. five years, and you get $500 holiday voucher.

Then, our corporate incentive bonus is based on an average sick-leave figure.

The malingerers still use their annual allowance in the first 4 months without managerial comment.

A handfull of suckholes turn up sick for their name in the company newsletter, and their $100/$500. 5 times that many end up off sick, or come to work severely compromised.

My boss photcopies the comapny magazine where he is congratulated for 5 years off without a sick-day, tells us where he spent his $500 holiday voucher, and proclaims how lucky he was to be off on corporately sponsored study leave when he tore his achilles tendon, and spent 2 weeks in hospital...and therefore wasn't off sick.

as to the topic, what am I tired of ?

Corporate double standards.
1.Reality TV
2.Arrogant,cocky,snotty,rude athletes
3.Reality TV
4.Paris Hilton
5.Reality TV
6.Waiting for the next season of the Sopranos
7.oooooo almost forgot reality tv
8.TV weathermen/woman who report that the weather which has been way,way unseasonable for a while start acting like the end of the world because it's suppose to get colder/warmer and gonna rain/snow like it suppose to be anyway...
9.Donald Trump
10.Cleveland Browns stinking so bad...
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