What are you tired of?

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Good one...er, bad one....."hip-hugger jeans".
What's the deal with those ugly things? Remember when females used to actually look nice in REAL pants? These new styles make even a skinny girl look either fat or contorted into some kind of freakish shape. It's especially bad when they put on those giant, bulky, and ugly shoes that make them look like a monster from a horror film.

Originally posted by andrews:

Good one...er, bad one....."hip-hugger jeans".
What's the deal with those ugly things? Remember when females used to actually look nice in REAL pants? These new styles make even a skinny girl look either fat or contorted into some kind of freakish shape. It's especially bad when they put on those giant, bulky, and ugly shoes that make them look like a monster from a horror film.

you guys are hanging around old fat women who think they're still 17....they look great on those that CAN wear them...my wife (she's 48) looks fabulous in them.....

way too many times I've wanted to go up to some fat wannabe bimbo and tell her, "Honey, if it hangs out, it ain't sexy...."
I agree with Ken. On skinny girls with no belly, hip huggers look fantastic. Any semblance of a belly, though, even on an otherwise-thin girl, and forget it.
What kills me about the super low hip hugger's is that they make a size 0 woman's hips look like they're 5 feet across. yeah that's sexy....

Okay, my OPINION on hip hugger jeans. Please keep in mind that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I enjoy looking at women with a nice figure. I would estimate that, in my opinion, 98% of the women I see wearing hip huggers would look much better wearing regular, semi tight fitting jeans. I think regular jeans complement an already nice shape, from the waste, all the way down, while hip huggers usually flatten things out and give an illusion of things being wider, and therefore, ruining a naturally beautiful shape. I would also dare to say that I think any woman who looks good in these low cut jeans would look great in regular jeans.

edit: hip huggers are like spandex - they should only be worn be certain women.
Think that's bad????

I teach junior and senior high school.

The thong craze has resulted in the vast majority of girls wearing the things. How do I know? Can't help it, with so many gals wearing those super low-cut pant and see-through stuff you can't help but know it!!!!!

What's rather revolting are the limpid blimps whose idea of exercise is to eat 30 extra helpings at dinner and waddle 50 feet without asking for a ride in a car wearing the above mentioned clothing. When they bend over their voluminous buttocks force the outterwear down, revealing the stretched thong straining to contain buttocks blubber.


Of course, their wearing those clothes COULD be a self-defense measure since I can not conceive of any sane male wanting to come within 100 yards of those grotesque parodies of feminity.
I agree with your opinion. The regular style of tighter fitting female jeans, started up higher and complimented the total shape of a womans hips and buttocks. (So sue me, I'm male). These hip-style jeans just have an abruptness to them that ruins the lines of a fine female. Even the thin beautiful ones end up looking rather odd. They would look really great if they got rid of those darn pants and got some traditional type jeans. The young guys today just don't get it, but maybe in time they will.....when the styles change back!
I used to think I liked girls. You guys have made me decide to join the monastery.

Seriously I picked my wife because I love her, and the fact that she shows no signs of becoming blimpoid - EVER. I realize it's a two weigh street...so I keep the gut down (down to my knees
), no really nothing worse than a group of fat smelly zitty men griping about fat women....
Originally posted by andrews:
[QB] Medic,

Good one...er, bad one....."hip-hugger jeans".
What's the deal with those ugly things? Remember when females used to actually look nice in REAL pants? These new styles make even a skinny girl look either fat or contorted into some kind of freakish shape. It's especially bad when they put on those giant, bulky, and ugly shoes that make them look like a monster from a horror film.
Hip huggers make even the best looking buts ugly.

Originally posted by MAJA:
People driving 4 door diesel 4X4 trucks (which never leave the pavement anywhere), on a cell phone, drifting into two lanes, and running red lights.

Man, you live in the wrong state!


Originally posted by ToyotaNSaturn:
Samson was right, there's nothing new under the sun, especially at Microsoft.

Seeing Solomon's words attributed to Sampson!


Originally posted by penzdude:
agreed then. courtney love's gotta go. now, how do we make it look like an accident? drug overdose? nah, she'd never do that! how about....

The same way she made her husband's death look like a suicide.
Whatever happened to short shorts? *sigh*

[ January 21, 2005, 08:35 AM: Message edited by: moribundman ]
Do some people actually like Courtney Love? Just curious.

Here's a pretty petty thing to beech about:

I really don't like it when people post EXACTLY the same thing as someone else six posts (or whatever) below the answer "post". I find it irksome when it happens to me, because it's like they even didn't read what I just wrote. I'm NOT talking about "me too" posts, or agreement posts, or affirmation or dissent or complete rebuttal - these all have their place and are pretty much fine.

At least when you copy someone acknowledge the originator.

I'm NOT talking this, for example:

Q: How do I find the slope?
A1: y=mx+b
A2: a digital protractor
A3: rise over run
A4: y=mx+b

In this case A1 poster doesn't "own" the answer....it wouldn't be a big deal if all 49 answers were the same, so A4 poster is fine.

However, if someone asks, for example: "How does 7-11 deliver slurpees?"

A1: In a cup with chocolate sprinkles via I5, and it arrives at 18 cSt, but it's ok because they thin with use, and I only change the filter every 5th oil change, unless I dump anti-freeze in the filler hole.
A2: In a doggie bag
A3: They don't deliver slurpees you idjit.
A4: I have them fill my thermos.
A5: Do they make Tequila slurpees?
A6: In a cup with chocolate sprinkles via I5, and it arrives at 18 cSt, but it's ok because they thin with use, and I only change the filter every 5th oil change, unless I dump anti-freeze in the filler hole.

I'm kinda thinking the odds of A6 just popping up are slim.....but you never know. My gripe for today.

Originally posted by moribundman:
Whatever happened to short shorts? *sigh*

You wanna talk about short shorts? Those things can be just as bad as y'all think hip hugger jeans are the worst thing since the devil himself. My parents have a neighbor we all jokingly call "Mama short shorts". My dad made up the name. She's lived in the same house since long before my parents moved there in '78 and has been divorced ever since I can remember. I actually cut her grass for a while when I was younger.

Anyway, she's always worn these things. Picture a 60 year old woman, 5'5", 180 lbs with cellulite. When she's out working in the yard, it looks like one of those wierd yard "decorations" that shows a picture of a woman bending over. They were popular a few years back. Anyway:
What I'm really, really tired of is waking up at 3am and having a tough decision as to whether I should cut my throat, dive out the window, or take a shower and go to work.
I had very much the same experience this morning...had last week off, visiting my parents, and playing with my daughter.

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