What are you doing right now?

Yeah I think something is wrong with the player lol. Works fine in my bedroom.
Maybe go into the sound menu for the disc at the TOC and change the settings - is it going to a home theatre receiver or a TV?
Sometimes if a TV the TV and the player have to be both set to output PCM and not DD bitstream.

I have none of this junk anymore.
Maybe go into the sound menu for the disc at the TOC and change the settings - is it going to a home theatre receiver or a TV?
Sometimes if a TV the TV and the player have to be both set to output PCM and not DD bitstream.

I have none of this junk anymore.
It’s a TV. I am going to try to update the software on it. Which I didn’t know was a thing on non internet players. But if that doesn’t work I’ll fool with the settings more.
More nasty weather. As if the MO river flooding is not enough.
Summer courses are shorter and as a result a bit more intense. I also had no academic background in business before starting the MBA so I sometimes don't even know what the gist of a particular course is before I take it. Corporate finance is turning out to be math-centric and fun and I'm enjoying it. The key here is not to just plug and chug numbers but to try and understand where each term comes from, how it contributes to the answer, and how each variable relates to the other variables. This is one of about 30 formulas I've learned about 1/3 of the way through the course.

Looking thru an old packet of stuff from my biological Dad. There is and old envelope from my Grandmother, that she mailed to my Mom when I was born. In 1956 it has 2 two cent stamps. 4 cents to mail a letter back then. :D