What are you doing right now?

My brother and his wife are on a Euro trip. One of my two nephews is staying with us for a month. The other one is staying with my parents. The little demons, I mean adorable tweens, must be kept busy or they'll get a little too creative. The one we got has a little ADD and he misses his horse. We went through this last year and I got him on a surfboard for the first time in his life. He's been staying with us for 10 days so far and we have already taken him ice skating in Petaluma, swimming and boating at Clearlake, hiking in Marin, and beach combing. As it turns out, ice skating is not for me but my wife does a passable Salchow. If I recover from going bouldering three times since last week we will go surfing and maybe snorkeling, depending on how clear the water is later today. My wife called a few minutes ago to tell me the little monster devoured four meat patties, a giant salad, and a banana for lunch. Maximum gains! May I go on a Euro trip? Right now I'm hoping to leave the office at 1300 so I can relieve my wife by entering the combat arena for a few more rounds.
I'm cooking lamb chops.

I just ordered my San Diego Padres shirts for when we go see them in DC and Baltimore in July. I will wear Orioles and Nationals hat then the Padres shirt. Buying tickets for the Nationals game today once I ask dad about the seats I picked out to keep him happy.
filling a police report for vandalism. someone has destroyed my headlight assembly on the driver side with a hammer. last night when i was eating at a restaurant with my friends. i made the mistake of parking my car in an isolated area far from the restaurant. fortunately, there were 9 cameras total in the area. i was an hour drive from my home.
Watching this poor puppy 😔

Same reason I took over my kids at ages of 16, when they got the choice of which parent to live with.
NOT my X-wife, but the guy she married.

Son is deaf and cerebral palsy. The new Dad and him got into it one day. Of course, the stronger male won the battle.

Son must have my tolerance for crap. Busted a beer bottle over the man's head and dropped him..
They dropped him off to me, and he has been with me since 2000 or so. They thought go and live with Dad, and you will change your mind. Daughter came to live with me at age 16 as well. She wanted to be back in her old school district.

Praise the Lord, they all get along well now.
Waiting for my allergies to flare down, then might go for a bike ride. Taking some time off, parents are visiting, so it’s nice to be away from work. Not sure what I’ll do with the rest of the day.
Wondering if I want to take my son for his first trip to a dealership. Should try on some vehicles for size, see if they are easy to get in/out of. Not sure how to otherwise prepare him for the slimeballs of the world (he's both disabled and on the spectrum, so it's not quite as straightforward as one would hope for).
I went out to trim the bushes along the road as I can barely see to pull out onto the main road. My back is so bad I said the heck with it for today.
I went inside and I heard brake squeal and it was a crew of state guys trimming along the road..I couldn't be any more lucky 😇