What are you doing right now?

Is he forbidden to adjust the seat or mirrors too?
He doesn’t have to adjust the seat. We both have it all the way back. Mirrors yes because that’s safety. If it’s a safety thing it’s fine but no go on the radio. I’m even nice and let him use the heat cause I use air conditioning year round.
He doesn’t have to adjust the seat. We both have it all the way back. Mirrors yes because that’s safety. If it’s a safety thing it’s fine but no go on the radio. I’m even nice and let him use the heat cause I use air conditioning year round.
Don't you still live at home with them? Do they charge you rent, or is your shelter rent free?
And if we turn that coin over we find the very many people who don't consider any sporting event important, much less very important. Different choices and priorities.
I don't really watch any sports unless my kids are playing. The whining crowd that has a contract to hit the lottery monthly for a decade and then complains they don't make enough, how tough they have it. When they had strikes I really hoped they would fire all of them and replace them. Contract voided, failure to perform, voluntarily. Listed as do not hire.

Let them turn a wrench, cut some grass, be a soldier/teacher/first responder and thousands of other 40+ hour a week jobs and then complain about poor pay for playing a game. $35 million per year for playing baseball with a 12 year contract? That's 35 million every year for 12 years. $2.4 million every time Mahomes plays a game. That almost dealership labor charge range.

Forgive me while order some parts from RA so I can change my own plugs.
Eating at a restaurant. Kinda bored with no baseball cause I’m so used to it have to get out of the spirit till April lol. Just picked up a battery for the 1994 Camry. Unfortunately I have to install it tonight. I wanted McDonalds or Chinese food to eat but I don’t like eating alone so I came along to the restaurant too. Today was super busy at work and I’m worn out lol. One of the service advisors who also researches DB Cooper stood there and talked to me for a hour at least about how she believes his ghost will be wherever he landed when he jumped out of the plane and said that it should be obvious of where to look. I’m like oh yeah you believe in ghosts then we got in a whole debate about that lol. She is confident that if she was ever in the area he was believed to have landed she could find him by detecting his ghost I’m like this is so funny lol. She is serious about it too. Then she started questioning whether or not it actually happened and I’m like well yes it did as the FBI has the evidence. She then kinda agreed with me that it actually happened. She wants them to investigate during Halloween one year in the future I said well either way I don’t think it will ever be solved. Someone got lucky and got away with it but it would never happen again in modern times.
I'm currently 8 miles from home. Have been riding my bike and am I about to return. It's currently a balmy 65°F, no wind. Dark, very dark.
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At the gas station. We have been driving around my Camry. It rides great just that reverse makes it hard to go anywhere. You can’t even push it back so if you get stuck it’s tow truck time lol. Might list it for sale not sure. Try to get $500 out of it maybe. It’s unfortunate the transmission will have to be replaced as the other gears are starting to be more noticeable too. Wish it was a manual. I have got to figure out a way for people to stop messing up things in my cars though cause this one every time he gets in it the floor mat moves I had to hold back from saying anything cause that drives me nuts. Guess I’ll get some Velcro. He got in and is like there is no where to put my phone I said well they didn’t have a spot for that kind of thing back then lol. I said put it where I put mine when I’m driving, in my pocket, always front left for me but either one will do. I really would like to keep the car but time I spend over $3k on a transmission I could have another car that is functional. Time to go back to researching DB Cooper now lol. Maybe he needs a new car haha 😂. I know he has the money for it 😂.
I’m sitting here at 10:44pm having a cold beer, well deserved after a long hard week, listening to “A new season” by The Church on Pandora.
I’ve been reflecting on the last 28 years of my life as tomorrow is my 28th wedding anniversary. I‘m not what you would call a religious person by any means,…but I have no way to describe it other than, I have been blessed.

Oh, and I’m obviously browsing through BITOG. 😉

Here’s to a great weekend! Cheers everyone! 🍻
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How much money do you spend driving aimlessly every night and buying sodas and junk snacks for triple the price at the gas station?
Well I usually don’t buy them 😂. No snack is a junk snack. Food is amazing lol. I don’t know the price cause time dad adds his zillion dollars worth of lottery to the tab I have no idea haha. And the sodas are usually free depending on who is there. A lot of the staff we have known for years.
Helps if you put it in "N". 😜 😄
When you do that it rolls forward even on perfectly level ground haha you try to push it and it does nothing except lunges forward more. Believe me we tried in neutral to push it once and it pinned my leg in between it and another vehicle it rolled into. It won’t go any direction but forwards. Definitely something wrong inside the transmission. I’m thinking get rid of it before it completely fails so I get more money out of it.
When you do that it rolls forward even on perfectly level ground haha you try to push it and it does nothing except lunges forward more. Believe me we tried in neutral to push it once and it pinned my leg in between it and another vehicle it rolled into. It won’t go any direction but forwards. Definitely something wrong inside the transmission. I’m thinking get rid of it before it completely fails so I get more money out of it.
Yeah, it sounds dangerous if it still wants to move forward in neitral. Practice those forward J-turns, lol.
When you do that it rolls forward even on perfectly level ground haha you try to push it and it does nothing except lunges forward more. Believe me we tried in neutral to push it once and it pinned my leg in between it and another vehicle it rolled into. It won’t go any direction but forwards. Definitely something wrong inside the transmission. I’m thinking get rid of it before it completely fails so I get more money out of it.

Can you actually drive it forward while in N? I mean actually sit in it and give it gas and move forward?