What are you doing right now?

At the gas station getting sodas. Then just riding around town afterwards. No baseball on tonight so kinda boring but at least there isn’t too much traffic on a Sunday night. Going to try and take some nice moon pictures. It’s nice to have a relaxing ride around before starting the work week. I need to pick some days to take off lol.
At the gas station getting sodas. Then just riding around town afterwards. No baseball on tonight so kinda boring but at least there isn’t too much traffic on a Sunday night. Going to try and take some nice moon pictures. It’s nice to have a relaxing ride around before starting the work week. I need to pick some days to take off lol.

Here in Florida for 3 days we had bright moons with clear skies and you could drive 80 mph on highway with headlights off.
We are riding around looking for a newspaper but not having any luck. Dad’s friends dad died and he wants the obituary from the paper and doesn’t have a printer to print it off. Everyone has looked at us so weird when we ask if they have one. One place said they hadn’t sold them in years lol. I can’t think of the last time I picked up a newspaper either. I’m old school but I don’t read hardly. But gives us something to do lol. He will just have to tell his friend we can’t find one.
We are riding around looking for a newspaper but not having any luck. Dad’s friends dad died and he wants the obituary from the paper and doesn’t have a printer to print it off. Everyone has looked at us so weird when we ask if they have one. One place said they hadn’t sold them in years lol. I can’t think of the last time I picked up a newspaper either. I’m old school but I don’t read hardly. But gives us something to do lol. He will just habe to tell his friend we can’t find one.
Do a search for the newspaper to see if you can find places that sell it.
Just got done ordering a couple of seals for the air compressor, decided to try fixing it one more time. Well, two, as I ordered one seal with the same exact p/n and one that wasn't, but sure looks the same.

Also ordered some power strips, was reminded of a fire that ham friend had, where the MOV's in his plastic cheapo strip gave up and took out a lot of his stuff. I've got a bunch of cheapo strips around the house (who doesn't?) so not a small cost to convert to all metal ones. Figured I'd buy 4 different ones to try out, select the better ones, order more. Fun.
Picking up Chinese food. Had to miss the start of the World Series game 3 because my truck died on pops. Think the alternator is going bad. Going to verify then order one if needed so needless to say today has sucked for me lol. When I was walking to the car to go to work I spilled coffee all over me guess I didn’t get the lid on all the way and dropped the pumpkin pie I brought for my coworkers luckily no damage to the pie. Then locked my keys in my car. Luckily we have a lock out kit and now that causing me to miss the beginning of the World Series. Hopefully every other day this week won’t be this bad lol. Of course something has to go bad as soon as it starts to get cold haha. He is buying the alternator since he has been driving it since his car engine has had a problem. Can’t work on anything for the next few days since the baseball games will be on. Will have to be Thursday evening that’s the only day off for baseball.
Picking up Chinese food. Had to miss the start of the World Series game 3 because my truck died on pops. Think the alternator is going bad. Going to verify then order one if needed so needless to say today has sucked for me lol. When I was walking to the car to go to work I spilled coffee all over me guess I didn’t get the lid on all the way and dropped the pumpkin pie I brought for my coworkers luckily no damage to the pie. Then locked my keys in my car. Luckily we have a lock out kit and now that causing me to miss the beginning of the World Series. Hopefully every other day this week won’t be this bad lol. Of course something has to go bad as soon as it starts to get cold haha. He is buying the alternator since he has been driving it since his car engine has had a problem. Can’t work on anything for the next few days since the baseball games will be on. Will have to be Thursday evening that’s the only day off for baseball.
I think you mean won't. You can. Maybe you even should. But you won't. Priorities, or the lack thereof, one of the pains of adulting.
I think you mean won't. You can. Maybe you even should. But you won't. Priorities, or the lack thereof, one of the pains of adulting.
Yes the very important baseball series is a priority. I’m trying to avoid fixing it so he won’t drive it. I’m an adult. I don’t know many people who would put aside a very important sports event for an extra car.
You need to earn the true leisure time to watch a frivolous sports ball event.

I seriously questioned my life priorities when I thought watching a morning game was more important than going to church.

Sure I watch and comment on sports but yes pretty low on importance. You will grow up. That is my hope - I write this with compassion
Yes the very important baseball series is a priority. I’m trying to avoid fixing it so he won’t drive it. I’m an adult. I don’t know many people who would put aside a very important sports event for an extra car.
And if we turn that coin over we find the very many people who don't consider any sporting event important, much less very important. Different choices and priorities.
Just watching the World Series now. Hopefully the trick or treaters won’t interrupt my World Series too much tomorrow. Maybe they will stay home. I’ve always thought they should not have a game on Halloween I consider it an important holiday but if I had it my way we’d be off on Halloween and the World Series people would be too. I don’t know why people here always want to start stuff. Baseball is a very important sport to me. Much better than that football stuff everyone goes crazy for that has a one game championship. Will be walking the dog once the game is over. To some it maybe low importance but for someone like me who has always had baseball as a part of my life it’s important. I’d be lost without it like I am in the off season. No better way to spend time with friends or family than at events or parties for events. Sure not important to some but very much so to me. Pops isn’t working at all rest of the week so not really a priority for me to fix the truck anyway and I want him to stop driving it so it’s a good excuse to leave it alone for awhile.
I’m currently giving out candy to trick or treaters. This is the most we have had in years. Like probably 15 years. I stopped counting at 59 lol. I’m guessing upwards of 120. I’m glad to have that though I enjoy giving out candy. It’s been so boring the last few years to only serve like 10 or less. Usually last ones served are around 11pm. One little kid tripped and spilled his candy all over my lap and face planted into my leg I felt horrible he tripped, I think his shoes were a little big. Luckily the little fireman was ok. Now waiting on the game to start too. Let’s go Diamondbacks for Halloween. Also in the process making pizzas with my niece and nephews.
Watching game 5 of the World Series and stuffing my face with Chinese food. Let’s go Diamondbacks. Got the alternator for my truck today. Will be installing tomorrow or this weekend. Dad said try to wait for the warmest time to do it cause he understands it sucks working in the cold I always end up hurting myself in the cold too. Today was below freezing most of the day. He is going to drive my Camry tomorrow with no reverse he worked out something with the business next door to his lot and they said that was fine you gotta work so if you need to use a pull through space in our lot go ahead. I will be fine with him driving that one as it’s not valuable like the truck. As long as he doesn’t touch the radio we are fine. We are test driving it after the game to make sure everything is ok. It hasn’t seen the road since April when I brought it home. We had to register it though because you get a $10 fee for each month it’s unregistered after 30 days from the sale date in the state of Virginia. So it has insurance and plates on it. As long as no cops see him cause the inspection is one year expired lol 😂.
Watching game 5 of the World Series and stuffing my face with Chinese food. Let’s go Diamondbacks. Got the alternator for my truck today. Will be installing tomorrow or this weekend. Dad said try to wait for the warmest time to do it cause he understands it sucks working in the cold I always end up hurting myself in the cold too. Today was below freezing most of the day. He is going to drive my Camry tomorrow with no reverse he worked out something with the business next door to his lot and they said that was fine you gotta work so if you need to use a pull through space in our lot go ahead. I will be fine with him driving that one as it’s not valuable like the truck. As long as he doesn’t touch the radio we are fine. We are test driving it after the game to make sure everything is ok. It hasn’t seen the road since April when I brought it home. We had to register it though because you get a $10 fee for each month it’s unregistered after 30 days from the sale date in the state of Virginia. So it has insurance and plates on it. As long as no cops see him cause the inspection is one year expired lol 😂.
What does touching the radio do? Ejector seat like in Bond movies or something?
What does touching the radio do? Ejector seat like in Bond movies or something?
No. My car my rules is the way I see it like you mentioned the other day for something else. I had to take the face plate (or whatever the name is) off the radio in the truck and pops got tired of not having music so he gave in and if he does change it he changes it back without me knowing which is ok just as long as I don’t find out. The volume and station are always the same I have them set. The radio stays on one station and one station only. The only exception is Christmas music station it can switch for the month of December cause I love Christmas music. Trying to figure out a way I can pair a device of some sort to tell me if it’s touched or not. I have extreme OCD on stuff like that. And I get tired of turning on the car and a political talk show is blaring. Radio is for music not talk shows.
He is going to drive my Camry tomorrow with no reverse he worked out something with the business next door to his lot and they said that was fine you gotta work so if you need to use a pull through space in our lot go ahead.
He needs to practice making some forward 180 J-turns when parking. 😄

No. My car my rules is the way I see it like you mentioned the other day for something else. I had to take the face plate (or whatever the name is) off the radio in the truck and pops got tired of not having music so he gave in and if he does change it he changes it back without me knowing which is ok just as long as I don’t find out. The volume and station are always the same I have them set. The radio stays on one station and one station only. The only exception is Christmas music station it can switch for the month of December cause I love Christmas music. Trying to figure out a way I can pair a device of some sort to tell me if it’s touched or not. I have extreme OCD on stuff like that. And I get tired of turning on the car and a political talk show is blaring. Radio is for music not talk shows.
Is he forbidden to adjust the seat or mirrors too?