What are you doing right now?

Just got to work so waiting in the parking lot. Ready for the World Series tonight. I can’t wait. Hopefully we can get some good food and beer and have a nice chill night. After it’s over we will go out I’m sure.
Waiting on the World Series to start and trying to get dad to go get me some food. When you try to talk to him and he is deep in his phone it’s like talking to a wall. Me and mom get so annoyed with it. I have DoorDash coupons just the GPS takes you to the wrong place lol. Trying to get some Chinese food. I wanted steaks and beer but he didn’t get any steaks today I left my card for him but he never went and got them. I already had the beer but I don’t like beer with Chinese food so I’m going to wait.
Got all my OPE ready for winter. I always keep the fuel tanks full over winter and I run Stabil year round. I only go through about 7 gallons of fuel annually so it doesn't cost much to do it that way and thus far I've never had a carb issue since I started this method several years ago. Replaced air filters as needed, changed oil in the 4 cycle stuff, checked the condition of the spark plugs and cleaned up as needed and put the machines away. They all got new fuel filters last year. Also ran the snowblower for a few minutes and checked it over for any issues. Should be good to go.
Go get in one of your several vehicles and go get your own food? Nothing stopping you. Absolutely nothing at all.
Well I don’t call in my order because I don’t talk on the phone and I hate driving so I won’t go somewhere unless I absolutely have too. I would have it door dashed first before I’d drive. Only two of my vehicles run anyway the others are my parents and only one of those run haha 😂. Now if we could text our order in and have it delivered that would be fine with me. The only place I drive is work and that’s because I have too since it’s 30 miles away.
Well I don’t call in my order because I don’t talk on the phone and I hate driving so I won’t go somewhere unless I absolutely have too.
Guess your urge for Chinese food just isn't strong enough. How long does it take to call in a food order? 😄

Also ran the snowblower for a few minutes and checked it over for any issues. Should be good to go.
I made sure to check on my snowblower this summer. Yep, engine is still seized, just like it was the summer before. Drat, no miracle happened when I wasn't looking.

This weekend I'll blow out the sprinkler lines, maybe hook up the snow plow to the 4 wheeler. Maybe, just maybe, I should test that before I have to install it *while it's snowing*. Nah...

Just got done with smores, trying to decide what to do with the rest of the day. Might go back to linkedin learning, was looking at how to use git the other night.
Guess your urge for Chinese food just isn't strong enough. How long does it take to call in a food order? 😄

That’s pretty funny lol. Usually 2 minutes or less for our order. It’s just the fact of talking on the phone. This isn’t 2010 anymore we don’t talk on the phone unless your old lol. I have two friends that insist on calling i consider them old even though they are the same age lol. I will say though at least the times have changed and you get unlimited talk and text and can talk to other carrier phones for free. I am old enough to remember having a phone and my parents yelling at me for talking to someone on a different network or going over on texting so we got charged for it lol 😂. US Cellular was the worst for that but Verizon was bad at first but not anymore. I guess my point is I hate talking to people in person and on the phone. I get really nervous especially if it’s someone I don’t know. Other than old people and my two friends I can’t think of anyone I know that would rather be called than texted lol.
During the commercial breaks I am reading up on D.B. Cooper. I seen a story on the news today about a guy claiming to know where his parachute is and is suing the FBI for the information and his tie that he left on the plane. I’ve always been fascinated by the legacy of it. Today that kind of thing would never happen without being caught. I have a friend who is a nerd about D.B. Cooper so he was also very fascinated too. He believes there is still hope to find out who it really was. Me and my dad think it’s just too old of a case. By now he is dead for sure. There are just far too many suspects and not enough evidence in my opinion to find out the actual person. It would be awesome if they did but they won’t. Just my opinions on it though I could be completely wrong and this guy could find a miracle.
Well I don’t call in my order because I don’t talk on the phone and I hate driving so I won’t go somewhere unless I absolutely have too. I would have it door dashed first before I’d drive.

Christ man. You're having a hard time getting out of your own way. You say you are short on money but refuse to do things that would save money. Not to sound like a prick or some condescending jacka** on the internet but I make a VERY comfortable living and have never once used a service like Door Dash as it's a rip-off.

There's been some good advice thrown your way in this thread. Take heed to it.

I can tell you what I did in my 20's and early 30's to get ahead but most won't like it. I ate dirt cheap. Cases of Ramen on clearance sale for under $0.10/pack, produce on sale, chicken, etc. & prepped everything myself in kitchenware I picked up second hand. My initial goal was two fold. 1) pay off the little fixer upper house I had purchased & 2) amass $100k in market investments(both 401k based as well as my own investment account). I scrapped by for quite a while working all the ot I could find until this was accomplished.

You live with your parents. Amassing a $100k portfolio should be a simple matter for you. The younger you get started, the larger the payoff at the end. Sometimes looking at bigger picture can seem overwhelming so just concentrate on one thing at a time, accomplish that one thing & move on to the next.

We live in the greatest country in the world for being able to move up & down the economic ladder. There's nothing to stop you from amassing more than you currently have except yourself.
Well I don’t call in my order because I don’t talk on the phone and I hate driving so I won’t go somewhere unless I absolutely have too. I would have it door dashed first before I’d drive. Only two of my vehicles run anyway the others are my parents and only one of those run haha 😂. Now if we could text our order in and have it delivered that would be fine with me. The only place I drive is work and that’s because I have too since it’s 30 miles away.
Hot dog! You won't have to spend tons of money you can't afford to buy the latest phone anymore if you aren't going to talk on it. Your good old phone will be a good old alternative!!! :love:
That’s pretty funny lol. Usually 2 minutes or less for our order. It’s just the fact of talking on the phone. This isn’t 2010 anymore we don’t talk on the phone unless your old lol. I have two friends that insist on calling i consider them old even though they are the same age lol. I will say though at least the times have changed and you get unlimited talk and text and can talk to other carrier phones for free. I am old enough to remember having a phone and my parents yelling at me for talking to someone on a different network or going over on texting so we got charged for it lol 😂. US Cellular was the worst for that but Verizon was bad at first but not anymore. I guess my point is I hate talking to people in person and on the phone. I get really nervous especially if it’s someone I don’t know. Other than old people and my two friends I can’t think of anyone I know that would rather be called than texted lol.
LoL ... maybe you should get your vocal cords removed. :p;)
Watching Formula 1 practice recorded earlier. At the beginning of the recording saw maybe 30 seconds of WS crap. One guy spit on the ground at least 3 times and another at least once. Disgusting. More than enough reason not to watch.
Still watching the game. It’s great 5-3 Diamondbacks now in the 8th. After this ends we are going to ride around and go to the gas station for sodas we got some beforehand too. Niece and nephews coming over tomorrow for the third weekend in a row. Man I love them but this gets old. The weekend is my time. I wanted to go on a long ride and then come back and drink and watch the game. My friend wants me to come over and try vodka and Gatorade not sure how I feel about that so probably going to politely decline. I’m more of a margarita, pina colada and beer guy and bourbon and whiskey too.

Sunday my mom has archery and I have to drop off my coworkers cash bonus. He was off yesterday, today and Monday since he is getting married tomorrow so he asked boss to give it to me to deliver to him. I’ll be delivering that Sunday sometime then time that’s all said and done we won’t have time to go anywhere or do anything.