What are you doing right now?

A car loan at 0% is still debt unless you pay it off at the end of the month. You may not pay interest, but it’s still debt.
As for the cards, it’s not a line, it’s a real way for disciplined young people to build up some credit. Not everyone wants to take out a car loan to build up credit.
How did you build up your credit score to allow a car loan at 0% if you don’t mind my asking?
Yes, it's technically debt and I could have just paid but why take it out of an account paying me 5% to pay for 0% money? And when I was young and gullible I followed the crowd and got credit cards. I wizened up about 30 years ago.
I’m eating chips and salsa and waiting on the baseball game to come on and for dad to get home so we can get dinner. I hate waiting around on people but I also don’t have money for food so I need someone to buy it for me lol. I could use my credit cards but they are paid down as I used a ton of my money to pay them. Anybody that can help me understand secured credit cards? Not going to get one at the moment I just don’t understand how they would work I know you put a deposit down and can spend that much but how does that help your credit? What happens if you go over? Asking this to help my friend who has special needs be able to understand as he got a secured card from CreditKarma. I keep reading the same thing online but just don’t get it.
That should be a HUGE red flag there is something significantly wrong. Given your situation you should be rolling in money, albeit a small roll, but a roll none the less.
Yes, it's technically debt and I could have just paid but why take it out of an account paying me 5% to pay for 0% money? And when I was young and gullible I followed the crowd and got credit cards. I wizened up about 30 years ago.

I understand why you would do that at 0%, but you still had to have a credit score and great credit to get that.
I don’t think you and I differ too much when it comes to spending wisely with the exception of using a credit card. A credit card can be a useful tool, if like any other tool, it’s used correctly.
Unfortunately, some have to learn these lessons the hard way.
I just got to work. Is it time to go home yet? Lol 😂. At least I got paid so I have money again. Going to try my absolute hardest to put some aside but don’t know if I have enough I owe a lot of people money so need to take care of that. I’m a man of my word especially when it comes to owing someone money. I wish December would get here I’m ready for Christmas. I was in the store yesterday and Christmas music was playing I was like yeah let’s get in the Christmas spirit.
Just got to my crossing guard job. Takes about 15 minutes to get here. Very quiet but it does pick up a bit later when the kids show up. Hour and a half AM and PM. Driving that bus in and out of Manhattan is over!


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Just got to my crossing guard job. Takes about 15 minutes to get here. Very quiet but it does pick up a bit later when the kids show up. Hour and a half AM and PM. Driving that bus in and out of Manhattan is over!
Wow. That's a pretty cool job.

You could not pay me doc/CEO wages to drive a bus to Manhattan!!
I just got to work. Is it time to go home yet? Lol 😂. At least I got paid so I have money again. Going to try my absolute hardest to put some aside but don’t know if I have enough I owe a lot of people money so need to take care of that. I’m a man of my word especially when it comes to owing someone money. I wish December would get here I’m ready for Christmas. I was in the store yesterday and Christmas music was playing I was like yeah let’s get in the Christmas spirit.
Owing a lot of people money to the point of possibly having no money left from payday might suggest a few things. You should be actively job hunting for a position paying a good bit more money. You should be asking for a good raise where you are. You should create a strict budget on paper and live within the budget. You should significantly cut back on (reckless?) spending habits. You should record every penny you spend, every day, for 90 days and really know where your money is going. Given your living situation and the significantly reduced expenses it offers you should have a good weekly savings growing. This says your money was all spent before you earned it. But it's much easier to be lazy about money and just drift along under the debt bus like most choose to do.
Watching the Houston Astros @ Texas Rangers NLCS game 4 for them. Go both teams. Astros have roughed up the Rangers they had to do a first inning pitching change. I’ll be sad when baseball ends but excited for next year too.
Watching the Philadelphia Phillies @ Arizona Diamondbacks game NLCS game four. Correction to my post yesterday I meant to say ALCS game 4. I’d love to hear from any other baseball fans on the forum. Seems nobody is interested in my baseball posts lol. There has gotta be some fans out there somewhere.
Working an ot night shift tonight & tomorrow. Was supposed to be down in Modesto tonight for my sons water polo tournament today & tomorrow then had a party that we had to cancel for Sunday morning football. Wife went solo down to the tournament this morning.

Gotta say that these utility careers are stable & pay well but they're very akin to a doctor/surgeon/nurse where your family life will be greatly impacted. I've helped a few people gain entry into apprenticeship programs & other operations positions throughout the years & always make sure they understand the commitment they're getting ready to enter. The last entity I worked for had ridiculous amounts of ot. My crew started at 1000hrs/yr of ot and went up from there. Some of the distribution system operators were over 2000hrs/yr. If you're single or have a stay at home wife it's feasible. If your wife works & you have kids, good luck as the divorce rate is about 80-90% in that scenario.

Anyway, just venting & rambling a bit as I don't really want to be here for these shifts as I've been on shift or in training every day since last Saturday. Not my longest stretch by far but it's getting old.

Also, I usually do a few threads a year on another forum I'm on for utility career opportunities across the country. Would that be something folks would be interested in here? Like the other forum, this seems to be a slightly older crowd with a few younger people mixed in. Utility operations can use a good dose of younger people as we're an aging workforce. I'm 46 and the youngest senior dispatcher (shift supervisor) by at least 10yrs with the oldest being 67. Many of my dispatchers are several years older than myself as well with some direct reports being over 60 and a couple pushing 70.
Watching the Philadelphia Phillies @ Arizona Diamondbacks game NLCS game four. Correction to my post yesterday I meant to say ALCS game 4. I’d love to hear from any other baseball fans on the forum. Seems nobody is interested in my baseball posts lol. There has gotta be some fans out there somewhere.
I can't sit and watch whole ballgame but the fight in AL game was classic. Battle of real rivals. Houston put the wood to the rangers....wow
Owing a lot of people money to the point of possibly having no money left from payday might suggest a few things. You should be actively job hunting for a position paying a good bit more money. You should be asking for a good raise where you are. You should create a strict budget on paper and live within the budget. You should significantly cut back on (reckless?) spending habits. You should record every penny you spend, every day, for 90 days and really know where your money is going. Given your living situation and the significantly reduced expenses it offers you should have a good weekly savings growing. This says your money was all spent before you earned it. But it's much easier to be lazy about money and just drift along under the debt bus like most choose to do.

Contributions to 401K and Roth IRA is also a good idea.

Budget your money and save for the future.
I’m awake early for a Saturday lol. 7:14am here haha. Which is good cause that makes the day feel longer. Hopefully can get some stuff for the grill today I want some ice cold beer or a mixed drink right now lol. I’ve gotta work on brother in laws car today as well as mine. Should be nice and chilly today. Now 7:17 lol took me three minutes to write the post haha.
I can't sit and watch whole ballgame but the fight in AL game was classic. Battle of real rivals. Houston put the wood to the rangers....wow
That was great. I wish there would have been some ejections though. Edit: I see there were ejections. That game was too early for me to catch but did see the fight replay lol. I love seeing ejections. Hopefully next season they will get rid of the new rules they implemented this season. I think they are ridiculous myself. I can watch multiple games but they have gotten a bit boring because now instead of arguments there is just challenges and no one gets ejected hardly. Still planning on which MLB stadium to visit on vacation next year lol. I really hope to see the Rangers go to the World Series but I don’t be disappointed with the Astros either. As long as it’s not a rematch of last year with the Phillies and Astros I’d prefer Rangers and Diamondbacks or Astros and Diamondbacks. Everyone at work talks about football and hockey then there is me who likes baseball lol. I think they are weird and they think I’m weird haha. I feel like I’m the only person who watches it on tv.
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Watching the Philadelphia Phillies @ Arizona Diamondbacks NLCS game 5. Go Diamondbacks. Just need to win tonight and Monday to go to the World Series. The AL is off tonight they resume tomorrow. I sent my parents to get me Chinese food lol. I’ve been craving it all day. Also adding a new number to my contacts as my friend who changes it constantly has once again changed it. Making 22 numbers since 2013 when we both got phones. He got scared his boss memorized the old one. I don’t understand his mind but whatever. I’ve always had the same number and always will. He has had T-Mobile for like 2 weeks and already had 3 phones and 4 numbers lol. He returned the first two phones cause they were too small finally got the right sized one. He also deletes all of his social media accounts then re signs up for them too. It’s so hard to keep track of all of it lol.