Walmart Motorcraft shelves empty

$10 a quart? pass
I can get it cheaper than that at my dealership. I also get wiper blades there at a fair price. You are currently using Kendall. Why not order some more from PSC? I got my last 12x1 qt. case from a local lubricant distributor. Besides, Walmart stores are a crapshoot. It’s not only oils that are not on the shelves. When local Walmart’s started filling orders for pickup, stocking became less of a priority.
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Look at this!

Motorcraft Synthetic Blend equivalent :
All depends on which walmart you go to ,we have a couple of stores in the county that stay stocked up ,other stores have had bare shelves since the rona hit. Just go to wally world . c o m and have it shipped to the store.
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You do you and get some motorcraft oil if you must but honestly that stuff isn't great. Not only is it less good than a full synthetic but it's also more expensive than one. Don't get me wrong I'd use the stuff too but they'd have to chop at least $7 off the $25 price to get me to buy it.