Originally Posted By: labman
Originally Posted By: friendly_jacek
Originally Posted By: PT1
Originally Posted By: labman
With their new ownership, I think Purolator needs to earn a new reputation. Did you find a cross reference? Does the Mercury need a filter with a bypass?
Not sure but at WOT I would think so running 25w40 oil. I never hammer the throttle until I see 165F on the temp guages but some guys sure do so a bypass must be in there. That would be my issue with a non-factory filter.
There are NO bypass valves in oil filters. There are relieve valves in oil filters. Bypass valve is after the oil pump.
BTW, Merc specifies non-relieve valve filters.
Perhaps you need to straighten out WIX:
Part Number: 51516
UPC Number: 765809515161
Principal Application: Ford/Lincoln/Mercury (81-09), Chrysler/Jeep/Mitsubishi (02-09), Mazda Trucks (94-07)
All Applications
Style: Spin-On Lube Filter
Service: Lube
Type: Full Flow
Media: Paper
Height: 4.828
Outer Diameter Top: 2.921
Outer Diameter Bottom: Closed
Thread Size: 3/4-16
By-Pass Valve Setting-PSI: 8-11
Anti-Drain Back Valve: Yes
Beta Ratio: 2/20=14/31
Burst Pressure-PSI: 275
Max Flow Rate: 7-9 GPM
Nominal Micron Rating: 21
Filters,or the engine, have a spring loaded valve that allows the oil to bypass the filter media to maintain flow and avoid a higher psid than the filter can take.
The filter above is not a replacement for Merc filter for 4cyl 3.0L. WIX 51060, WIX 51061 and WIX 51069 are. None of these have the relieve (VIX calls it bypass) valve. The bypass valve after the pump will limit the max pressure before the filter, but there is no relieve valve in the filter to provide for oil flow when filter is plugged. This it why it is very important to use low restriction filters in Merc engines.