On that note, thank goodness for my oil OCD, my desire to go back to HPL and for
@wwillson being willing to indulge both.
Had we not put the car up on ramps, it would have run with that degree of debris (caught by the drain plug) for several thousand miles. The typical owner would have been none the wiser.
And had their engine started using oil, I suppose the dealership would have said, as they did today, “well, it a car with 1xx,xxx miles on it.”.
Blissfully unaware of their role in turning a perfectly running engine into a clapped out candidate for the junkyard.
My 235,000 mile Volvo XC90 does not burn a drop of oil. When that sump was re-sealed, the “amateur technician” followed VIDA to the letter, and painstakingly scraped the gasket surface with a fresh razor blade. Then cleaned it by hand. It was very dirty with carbon from an entire life spent doing 7,500 miles on Dino.
Looked like this. Factory machining marks still visible.
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