Vehicle Specific Forums... Why So Many Canadian Posts?

Are these forums owned by Canadian companies?
I have noticed a lot of model specific forums for Hyundai and Kia and I’m sure many more are owned by Vertical Scope based in Toronto.

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Hell hath no fury like a peeved off Canada Goose. Every year we send them down to invade America. They haven’t succeeded. Yet…..
1) You ain't kiddin'. Once, in a nearby park, my sister's large, capable German Shepard Dog thought to investigate a clutch of Canada Goslings.
What I wouldn't give for a video of the 4 adults chasing the big dog away-hissing and squawking in tones I've never heard before or since.
The expression on the dog's face was something else too.

2) I got news for you. You needn't 'send them down' as they now Winter here. They are hearty beasts.

Personal note: As an aspiring wise person, after observing some people seemingly terrorized by animals, I believe small children feeding Canada Geese-which can be their size- is a great intro to animals. The kids don't have to be attuned to animals or even come to love them; I just think it's beneficial not being fearful of critters.

By the way, how do you tenderize them? Stringy things they are too.
From my personal observations when I was spending 1/2 of my life in US due to work between 2004-2010 (worked in 26 states) - US residents seem to care less for their cars in general than Canadians. And condition cars in US are in, all in all on average, are worse than in Canada.
That might explain why Canadians frequent forums.
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Been browsing various vehicle specific forums and it seems like there are many posts from Canadians, way out of proportion to US posters. Are these forums owned by Canadian companies?

Don't tell your neighbours (see what I did there? Hint: sp), but it's all a sneaky attempt to get America to switch over to standard units like meters and kilograms. First we infiltrate, then we educate, then we demand change or we'll send over the geese; have you seen what a flock can do to your lawn? Terrible mess.

American gas station pumps that require your Zip code are the second obvious Canadian deterrant after the US Border agents. For my fellow Canadians travelling (aka soft invasion) USA, just use the numbers in your Postal Code and add 2 zeros and you get a mock Zip code. Downside, them Americans at the credit card offices will know where you were, but you can confuse them by purchasing Mountain Dew and Vernors.