Updated US Drought monitor

Jun 8, 2022
Lowcountry South Carolina
What a difference a year makes. For the last decade California was in drought. Now its not, but much of the midwest an NE is. While it doesn't show it, Quebec is hence all the wildfires and smoke.

moving from La Nina to El Nino weather pattern I guess?


It's been dry here to . We got more rain in May than April . We were supposed to get about .75 today . Not much so far . I see the birds are waiting for the rain so the worms come up . 🐦🪱
Down here I have to cut grass every 2 weeks with all the rain or my yard looks like the Everglades.

Birds love when I cut the grass cause they can easily get the worms and bugs.
My wife and I are in Fort Collins CO for a few days. The locals say they've had weeks of almost-daily rain. The skies opened up earlier this evening.



I wish some of this were falling in the areas with the forest fires.

We could use some of this at home too - the elm trees are showering the streets with seeds, said to be a response to the dry conditions.
It will take more than the current forecasted rain for the week to shed the drought status in this area.
An inch and a half to two inches will do it. That's very realistic over the week. The drought in your area basically developed over the last three weeks. A new drought report will be issued on Thursday.
An inch and a half to two inches will do it. That's very realistic over the week. The drought in your area basically developed over the last three weeks. A new drought report will be issued on Thursday.
Some improvement to D0 is possible, but we are still in 30 and 90 day deficits.
BONE dry here until Fri-Sat


And remember my flood pictures 2021-22?

We got a decent rain, it was SO nice. Maybe a little more later this week. PLEASE!

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Seems like there were very few dry years in the 70s and 80s when I was growing up in Western Oregon. Now they seem more common.