uoa mobil 1 ep 5w30 1,032 miles in 16 months

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May 13, 2013
upstate NY
My dad's pickup. He retired 2 years ago and now only makes short trips to town for needs/visits. Oddly enough he goes to three different towns all 7 miles away. All are mostly down hill going away and then uphill going home. He did make a 60 mile round trip in late winter.

2001 silverado 5.3 liter
M1 ep 5w30
M1 oil filter
Napa air filter

Truck 92,087 miles
Oil 1,032 miles (still in sump, since 3/8/12)

Blackstone results:

aluminum 3

Chromium 0

Iron 19

Copper 24

Lead 3

Tin 2

Moly 77

Nickel 1

Manganese 1

Silver 0
Titanium 0
Potassium 0

Boron 82

Silicon 8

Sodium 21

Calcium 1187

Magnesium 612

Phosphorous 695

Zinc 744

Sus visc @ 210f = 61.0

Cst visc @ 100c = 10.51

Flash pt in f = 420

Antifreeze 0.0%

Water 0.0%

insolubles 0.2%

Tbn 4.2

Tan 2.6
With the TBN and TAN readings what they were you could have ran it longer to save a bit more (unless there was something that forced the OC). The short trips have not beat the oil up to speak of; any reason for the change?
Did I forget anything for info? I plan to leave this oil in until next spring. Looks good for awhile longer under the circumstances. Or does anyone disagree? Feel free to comment...
Originally Posted By: dustyroads
Did I forget anything for info? I plan to leave this oil in until next spring. Looks good for awhile longer under the circumstances. Or does anyone disagree? Feel free to comment...
Oh; then I think you are good to go! I would not have a worry running it until next spring. Nothing in the report that is problematic--the viscosity was good, no fuel dilution to speak of, TBN and TAN in good shape, insolubles were low. I would say go for it!
Absolutely! I had no idea how it would look but glad I left it in now! Hope it proves helpful to others as it did for me. It was a long, cold winter in the north, too.

If anything I'm surprised it still looks that good (tbn,tan)
Originally Posted By: dustyroads
I did not drain. Just sampled for the education.
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