Univ. of Memphis choke job in NCAA basketball

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Originally Posted By: Cogito
Skunky, you make being behind sound like an advantage.

Ya think so??? I'm sure that both coaches would have loved to have been 20 points ahead at the end of regulation..it was one of the best games I've seen in a long time..my heart was raceing and I didn't have a dog in the fight...I went to Purdue...Anyway, don't blame the Memphis coach, he knows his kids like no other human on earth..he did his best under the given circumstances..I was just throwing some light on only one way in a hundred as to the way the game could have gone..IF is the middle word in LIFE...Now, back to the "oil well"...
Originally Posted By: Saturn_Fan
I do think his time at Memphis will be coming to a close. He is losing most of his big stars and talk is that he might give the NBA another try or go to another college program.

I talked to coach Cal for about 30 minutes today and he gave me no indication that he's leaving Memphis anytime soon. He was excited to have a great recruiting class and even more proud that not only did he make it to the "big game" but there is a 100% graduating class this year. He was a bit down, and told me that there was some miscommunication about fouling in the last 10 seconds. He assured me he's happy at memphis and plans to be there for the long haul.
Deven, please ask Coach Cal to recruit one great free throw shooter. only need one guy for these type of situations. We haven't had an 80% free throw shooter as long as I can remember.
Originally Posted By: Cutehumor
Deven, please ask Coach Cal to recruit one great free throw shooter. only need one guy for these type of situations. We haven't had an 80% free throw shooter as long as I can remember.

You know what he did mention that. He said its been his Achilles Heel all year and actually took the blame for that. He also told me that he should have reminded his team that the game wasnt over when they were up by 9 with 2 minutes and change to go. The biggest play according to him? When they took away the 3 from Rose and made it a 2, otherwise we may not be here talking about the choke. By the way I forwarded this thread to him for his entertainment.
At least the Univ of Memphis earned some RESPECT, all I heard was they were going to be the first #1 seed bounced from the tournament this year. When you have back to back elite 8 appearances in 06 and 07, it was an insult. They'll go undefeated in conf usa next year and get a #1 seed in 09
"I figure with ten seconds. they foul at half court, 5 seconds comes off the clock from Kansas dribbling up the court. 5 seconds left, kansas makes two free throws. Memphis ahead by one. Memphis inbounds the ball, Kansas fouls with 1.5 seconds come off the clock. Memphis misses both free throws. Memphis still ahead by one point with 3.5 seconds left. Kansas gets the rebound, runs franctically down the court and throws a hail mary. Misses. Memphis wins the National championship by one point. As you can see, they can miss the free throws, the time clock was in favor of Memphis the whole time."

Ok..Ok...63-62 Memphis...Kansas fouls before inbound pass..shooter gets one..64-62 Memphis..3.5 seconds left..shooter misses second freethrow..Kansas gets ball..throws down court..big guy slams dunk..64-64...game goes into O.T....
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