Toyota trucks...for work or for parades?

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Originally Posted By: brianl703
Originally Posted By: javacontour

Things are often trashed because the costs of servicing them exceeds the costs of new items.

It's not even that. The 386 with a 600MB ESDI drive worked, however, is incapable of running modern applications.

This is like junking your 10-year-old 27" CRT TV set which works fine because you want a 31" LCD HDTV.

Most electronic equipment runs without repairs or service until it is obsolete. This has generally been my experience with computer equipment and other electronics. The notable exceptions have been those with rework jumpers and cheap Chinese capacitors that fail.

For example, I expect 17" CRT monitors to last longer than 2 years. The old 14" monitors from the early 90s generally lasted 10 years or longer. Would you want to use a 10-year-old monitor? Probably not. However, a 2 year old 17" CRT is still perfectly serviceable assuming that it hasn't failed. And yet I had one fail, due to one of the capacitors inside leaking and destroying the board.

I guess the point here is that it IS possible to build electronic equipment that lasts until it's old enough that nobody wants to use it anymore.

Maybe that's the problem--the lifecycle of this equipment is too long and it's got to be made to fail sooner so replacements can be sold.

Off-topic but I've had great luck with my Korean monitor as well, it was built by the now-defunct Samtron (I think Samsung bought them) and I've had it for 7-8 years now and it's just as sharp and bright as the day I bought it. Some CRTs I've seen tend to get blurry as they age, like the Dell monitor we have in the basement (I think that one's about 8-9 years old), but this one's great.
It's funny how that worked out, I got it because I just wanted the cheapest monitor Best Buy had because I was on such a limited budget at the time, and it's outlasted 2 of my computers. I just switch the tower and keep the monitor!
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tundras are ok for pulling bass boats and etc but as far as an actual WORK truck hauling, getting slammed around etc etc it would be HARD to beat a GMC/chevy 2500 or Ford f250.. those are real work trucks. proud and proven on farms and etc for years and years.. just dont get them with a v6 lol..
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