tip your barber?

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Jan 1, 2005
Do you tip? I currently don't, does that make me look bad?
I came across this on the net:

"The difference between a regular job and the jobs that require tips is that they are service jobs, and they are called service jobs because they are serving you. They personally and intimately effect you."

So, here's another question: Where do we draw the line? I have no problem deserving good behavior/work with a tip, however, I'm not going to be throwing my money around all day long tipping every one I see. What about my auto mechanic, my dry cleaner, my daughter's piano teacher, my mail carrier, my plumber, etc.. In a way you could say these all are serving me, but should I tip them? Call me a tight wad, but I'd say no. Well, 2nd that, I would tip the piano teacher. We just started with this person 3 weeks ago. I'd tip this person because they're doing it dirt cheap, and it's a one on one thing, you know?
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I always tip my Barber, he is Italian and his name is Italo, I do not need any visits from the Mafia.

Of course the Barber is the only one that I tip.
Yup, I do tip my hairstylist. I guess it's just a customary thing to do, so I don't want to be the odd one out, although the haircut (and shampoo) itself isn't exactly cheap either.

I also tip taxi drivers and waiters in restaurants. That's about it.

My one gripe is with restaurants that automatically add a 20% tip if you have 6 or more in your party, as if that by itself made them entitled to my money, whether they do a good job or bad. A lot of places here do this.
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I've been going to the same barber for 12 years now and I never have left him a tip. He used to charge $5, then $6, and now $7. I don't feel bad about it, I hope he doesn't either...good guy.
15-20% here...

The price of a haircut in the market is set low by the chains in order to compete better. The individuals employed get a little more than a minimum wage to accommodate that.
Oh yea. 20% and up to 40% if Abby gives me a shoulder and back massage!
I don't go to the barber anymore, but when I take my son, I always tip the barber $2 on top of the $12 for the cut. That's a little over 16%.
A $7 haircut... How long does that take? My barber charges $13 and I guess he could cut 3 per hour. I round it up to $15.
I know him pretty well and his one boy is playing hockey so I figure the extra money is going to good use!
I think $7 gets you this:

It bugs me that certain jobs are "entitled" to tips and some are not. No, waiters don't make much money. So get a better job. The guy at McDonalds isn't making much money either and I'm not supposed to tip him. What's the difference? You brought me a menu?

If I were king of the world, tipping would be OK for any job... *if* you went above and beyond your normal duty. And if not, the customer shouldn't feel bad about not tipping.

But I tip anyway so I don't look like a schlump.
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
My cut is $15. I give em a $20 and leave with a great hair cut.

If I go to the cosmetology school for a haircut, I don't tip. I always try to go there because it's only $5.

If I go to the thrift cut shop downtown, it's $6.69 for a haircut, so I just hand the guy $8 and tell him to keep the change. That's almost a 20% tip!

I always get a buzz cut, so it's difficult to screw that up.
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