I've seen a few posts about the Castrol EDGE EP, but it seems like Castrol doesn't get a lot of love here at BITOG, or is that my imagination?
I'm looking at it's specs and it seems like a great oil, but I'm just wondering if anyone else is running it? Does anyone know of any engine photos (like of the valve train, etc.?) from BITOG members who run this oil?
I'm wondering if it's a Group III, IV or V oil, so I asked Castrol (via a chat session) and they said, "Castrol formulations are proprietary – the type and quantity of each component cannot be released. That said, Castrol motor oils are formulated with the highest quality base oils available. Depending on the product, the type of synthetic oils used can be Group III, IV or V."
I see on their web page - http://www.castrol.com/en_us/united-states/products/car/motor-oils/castrol-edge-no-titanium.html they claim, "Castrol EDGE Extended Performance with Titanium FST provides unsurpassed protection for critical engine parts, ensuring optimal performance – with the strength to enable an extended drain interval of up to 15,000 miles. Independent testing has proven EDGE Extended Performance stronger than Mobil 1 Extended Performance against viscosity breakdown – the ultimate test of strength" and the footnote says, "Castrol EDGE Extended Performance 5W-30 was proven stronger against viscosity breakdown based on ASTM 6278 and CEC-L-14 independent testing".
This claim caught my eye since I've always been a fan of Mobil 1 oils. When I asked Castrol for some "proof" of this claim via my chat session, the person I chatted with had no documentation to offer me but said that Castrol stands behind any claim(s) they make. I must admit this seems a little odd to me because if I was in their shoes I would WANT to show the documentation to kick sand in the face of my competitor! http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_JvpwUz1nl4A/StFwvym1-1I/AAAAAAAAAKA/3Jsa0dM9Vd8/s400/shapeimage_2.png
Comments? Feedback? What do y'all think of this Castrol?

I'm looking at it's specs and it seems like a great oil, but I'm just wondering if anyone else is running it? Does anyone know of any engine photos (like of the valve train, etc.?) from BITOG members who run this oil?
I'm wondering if it's a Group III, IV or V oil, so I asked Castrol (via a chat session) and they said, "Castrol formulations are proprietary – the type and quantity of each component cannot be released. That said, Castrol motor oils are formulated with the highest quality base oils available. Depending on the product, the type of synthetic oils used can be Group III, IV or V."
I see on their web page - http://www.castrol.com/en_us/united-states/products/car/motor-oils/castrol-edge-no-titanium.html they claim, "Castrol EDGE Extended Performance with Titanium FST provides unsurpassed protection for critical engine parts, ensuring optimal performance – with the strength to enable an extended drain interval of up to 15,000 miles. Independent testing has proven EDGE Extended Performance stronger than Mobil 1 Extended Performance against viscosity breakdown – the ultimate test of strength" and the footnote says, "Castrol EDGE Extended Performance 5W-30 was proven stronger against viscosity breakdown based on ASTM 6278 and CEC-L-14 independent testing".
This claim caught my eye since I've always been a fan of Mobil 1 oils. When I asked Castrol for some "proof" of this claim via my chat session, the person I chatted with had no documentation to offer me but said that Castrol stands behind any claim(s) they make. I must admit this seems a little odd to me because if I was in their shoes I would WANT to show the documentation to kick sand in the face of my competitor! http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_JvpwUz1nl4A/StFwvym1-1I/AAAAAAAAAKA/3Jsa0dM9Vd8/s400/shapeimage_2.png
Comments? Feedback? What do y'all think of this Castrol?

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