There was a big explosion in Beirut Lebanon

Aug 22, 2009
Pittsburgh,PA U.S.A.
The lead story on the news just now was that there was a big explosion in Beirut Lebanon. They said that there was a ware-house fire in the area before the explosion so it may not be related to any kind of an attack. The news said there is approximately 50 dead and thousands injured. A video taken form a distance shows that it was a huge explosion.
It was a massive explosion and the scale of the explosion surprised me. The General of Security (or whatever) said initial findings was a warehouse full of confiscated and highly explosive materials. Definitely more power than anything I played with in the military.

There are multiple videos out and all from difference angles. The one from a little boat off the coast, maybe 3/4 to a mile away so far has the best angle.
I have read that there was close to 3000 tons of ammonium nitrate stored near the initial fire. That was the source of the massive blast.
Holy cow, that's awful. Bud_One's video is mind blowing in the scale.
Begs the question as to why someone would store that much fertilizer apparently right in the middle of town?
Please understand, I’m not discounting the tragic loss of life in this disaster, but there is a lot of chemical energy in ammonium nitrate...part of why it’s such a useful chemical, but...every so often, it’s mishandled, with this sort of result.
Holy cow, that's awful. Bud_One's video is mind blowing in the scale.
Begs the question as to why someone would store that much fertilizer apparently right in the middle of town?
It was in a warehouse, in a port. The logical place to store it, as it’s being imported/exported, and not exactly the middle of town...more the edge of to the water, and next to other bulk storage facilities, like grain elevators.
I would be concerned that much energy alone would rupture the ear drums of anyone within.. a few miles of the blast?
I would be concerned that much energy alone would rupture the ear drums of anyone within.. a few miles of the blast?

More than eardrums- that was a concussion powerful enough to cause internal injuries and death for a big radius. My unfortunate guess is that the death toll is preliminary and, as a result, very low. It will go up as the wreckage is cleared.