
Jan 14, 2017
I just came back from my mother's house and found this out back, I'm amusing she's got a termite infestation, correct me if I'm wrong.

I thought termites tended to stay out of the sun?

We have some blue jays here that like to peck at our deck—there’s places where they have started to dig down into the wood.

That said, those look like funky holes. Look more like someone shot into the wood from the other side.
Wood pecker no doubt
I've seen them attack new decks. Of course I'm assuming if it is them there must be insects in the wood too. 🪵
usually, although sometimes they do it for other reasons.

Now the thousands of holes I have by my cabin on dead trees.. well those are for bugs obviously.
I just talked to a guy who works construction. He thinks it's woodpeckers looking for larvea.
I was idly tapping on an interior wall last summer. Something started to tap back!

It was a woodpecker. It must have thought I was insects in the wall.
The others correct. Not termites. Termites eat/destroy wood from within, they cannot be exposed to air or they dry and die.
One way to check your home is to look for mud tunnels running from the ground along the concrete foundation to the wood framing house. It's these tunnels that enable them to get from the soil to the wood farming and take it apart from the inside out.
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woodpecker damage. we have giant woodpeckers that visit our maple farm forest and they can do some serious noise and damage. they can destroy an entire large tree. still , i think they are one of the prettiest bird.
Yes that is woodpecker damage, the woodpecker is going after carpenter bees larvae. You probably had carpenter bees bore underneath and the woodpeckers are just finding them