i agree with volvohead, he is kinda half right. you can in FACT, withc as much as you like. i used to hear form some mechanics, and mostly people at autozone, once you swithc to full synthetic, stay with it, or you'll be sorry. well ive switched backa n forth ect, and am currently oppting on running synthetic in winter(can be harsh here in new england) and a blen for summer(summers can be harsh with bad humidity). your seals can in fact leak though, but that means, yuor seals were on thier way out anyway. conventional oil, jsut built up arbon material around the seals, band aiding the leak. synthetics clean them out, as i learned, i went through a rear main seal my first syntetic change. it stll leaks a little, but taths also because the synthetics are thinner than conventional.
i had an alignment done on my car about a month ago. i saw a case of citgo superguard syntheic, he's the onlyplace around me that sells it, in 5w 30! i asked if he coul sell me the case, adn he told me, he would have to charge me also, for the price of an oil change to sell it, about $20.00 so as far as i am concerned, he i fulll of it, as a mechanic.