SuperTech Manufacturer

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Aug 6, 2005
Irvine, CA
I just changed my oil, put in the SuperTech Synthetic, before throwing away the 5 quart container, I looked at the bottom for markings and what I noticed was a large Q logo and inside the Q was written Lee.

Could Quaker State be the current manufacturer?

Walmart uses several different suppliers, depending on region. Known suppliers include XOM, WPP, and Citgo.

Pictures of the front and bottom would help, too
Originally Posted By: rickmeseke
an oldee Thread on here said citgo was Manufacturer with "lee" on the bottle

I believe this is correct.

It's definitely not made by Quaker State because Quaker State isn't a manufacturer. QS is a brand name made by SOPUS (Shell).
How good is Warren's oils compared to a major brand like XOM or SOPUS?

I know this is silly, but judging only by their label and even their website, they look not so different than many no-name brands on discount stores everywhere.
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Originally Posted By: Diego3336
How good is Warren's oils compared to a major brand like XOM or SOPUS?

I know this is silly, but judging only by their label and even their website, they look not so different than many no-name brands on discount stores everywhere.

probably equivalent to Mobil Special and Formula Shell.
Most generic oil development these days is done and paid for by The Big Four additive companies; not by the individual oil companies (of which there are many). The AddCo's supply the DI & VII, along with the supportive data package and the oil companies (including the huge ones) supply the base oil and do the blending, canning & distribution.

Ideally each of the AddCo's would develop say, just one Group II GF-5 5W30 system and then market this as widely as possibly. This would create a market where there were multiple brands but only four basic oils available. The reality is a bit more complicated than this as the biggest oil companies will often want, and have the clout to demand, something 'a bit different' but as often as not, this is just a tweak of the original system.

All this is to say that what you get in Supertech oil, from whatever source, it's going to be basically as good as the stuff you get from the big boys.

Obviously you need to compare apples with apples here and the comparison only holds true for similar base oil groups and specifications.
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Thinking about it, I might just correct myself...

It might be truer, in the context of the US PCMO market to say there is a Big Three, rather than a Big Four. From things I've picked up over the years, it sounds like Lubrizol (the biggest of the global AddCo's) is far more oriented to Heavy Duty Diesel Oils and that their Passenger Car efforts are focussed far more towards bleeding edge, top tier oils (such as VW factory fill) than more run of the mill stuff.

I can sort of understand this. PCMO is invariably a fight in the gutter! It's not for the squeamish with elbows, kidney punches and eye gouging all (metaphorically) allowed and expected!!
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