Some drivers just hate cyclists

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I'd suggest anger management. I hope your mood improves before you stroke out.
I do not need anger management, it is wisely/well invested. It is not anger, disgust, is far closer. Stoking out sometimes improves mood, define your term here. I have a suggestion for you, be careful with Prep H, one good squirt and you might just disapper. On second thought, go for it. Dark matter, ponder that.
Thank you Mr. Picasso, care to paint the scene? In oils of cource. Another high quality responce from a pillar of the scene, thanks for the example, I shall try to approach it, but not to closely of cource. You seem not to like such kidding, whether to you or as elsewhere, as to what I mean tell me, for I seem not to be able to write the same.
Grammar and spelling? as these are both oral, NO THANK YOU. Just kiddin, how was that. Seems Prof. Man has wondered down the hall to psychology, that is ok I think, they luv nuts there.
No need to explain, with eyesight like that it is a wonder you do as well as seems. By the way, there are 3 dimensions, not 2, you cubeing fool. Now get off the computer and go find bigfoot, and reunite mori and his mother.
For example, you could describe yourself as a spandex-clad and pteranodon helmet wearing, semi-professional wannabe cyclist.

I had a coworker like this. He was clad in the ultra state of the art techno'd cyclist gear. He also wasn't able to wear his pants around his waste since he bought them to fit what he thought his waste should be ..which was about 6" short. He envisioned his excess girth of some extension of some imaginary lineman like upper bulk that, while present, wasn't nearly in the proportion or contour that he thought he saw in the mirror. His way too heavy and way too short thighs bulged in the spandex shorts. He never saw it as the spectacle that others did. He, as always, "just arrived".

I'd never consider biking on most roads a good way to exercise. The stress level would be way too high. We've got a decent bike/hiking dedicated trail system here.
I don't think I ride more than 15% of the time on the road. Almost all riding is done on separate bike paths, trails, or on closed roads. I also ride on sidewalks if no pedestrians are present (Usually there are aren't any pedestrians where I ride, because they all use their cars). From the residential area where I live to the bike path it's just one short block or ca 120 yards. If I use the road, I'd have to stop at a stop sign at almost every block. The bike path (it's really a levy) goes straight through without and stop signs or lights for several miles towards north and south.
Dear MR. Webster, the idea of a spandex suit(yours by the way not mine) is NOT a good one, for you, for me, or for anyone with better than 20/40 vision. I see the psych tour was a walk by and not a visiting one, so these delusions will have to be addressed at a later time. Please do take some time off and go visit mother.
Oh yes, almost forgot, who cares about your bicycling, unless there is a crash? right? remember?
It's funny that you are so upset. Keep those rants coming and get all that anger out of your system!
Well if invited, to actually feed the alphabet soup nazi(ooohhh), my instinct is to deliver via truck, anywhere really, that levy is a good a place as any for a ride into the sunset.Keep up the laughing, the next lap by the psych dept and maybe they invite you in, for good hopefully, for bad is acceptable as well.
The angrier you get the more your sentences run on. Don't stop now and keep on going, for you're on a roll!

On second thought, you should relax, because stress will affect your blood sugar level negatively.
Please do not fantasize about food while posting, especially around me. Lets see, gag reflex may be going, due to fatigue from me, so more likely to choke, and is laughing...mmmpphh, Bon Appitite.
That's your blood sugar and insulin level, elevated due to stress, talking incoherently. I refuse to argue with a sick person. I don't need a diabetic on my conscience. You shall be ignored by me, because it will be best for you. Consider this my contribution to your well-being. Get well soon!
Treacle does not help me either, even if I had a taste for it.Recent blood testing suggests no life threatening problems for now, sorry to dissappoint. I will give up for now, sometimes all you have left to give is up. One more most people have 2-3 lbs. you no doubt put Elvis to shame.
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