Since smartphones, do you still wear a watch?

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Site Donor 2023
Apr 4, 2012
I find myself subconsciously(not after this thread) weaning myself off wearing them since i do everything with my phone.
Nice combo. That blurs the line between the two. My wife has the Samsung variant and swears by it.
Originally Posted By: rooflessVW
I love it. Plays nicely with my Moto Z.

Much more discreet than my wife's. Nice.
I still do. I like being able to sneak a look at the time without having to dig my phone out of my pocket and hit the power button.

In addition, I consider a watch like man jewelry for dress occasions.

With that said, I still don't go anywhere without my phone as well.
I haven't worn a watch in years. I seem to be close enough to some type of technology that tells me the time (either a phone or a computer) that I find having the time on my wrist to be redundant.
Watches are one of the few forms of adornment that men have available. I was just looking at one of the new Breitlings... Very tempting.
I have a watch with a battery eliminator. You never have to mess with a battery, you just wind it up and you're done. So, even if the "grid" goes down I'll know the correct time.
I'm one of those people who could care less about carrying a phone with me 24/7.

I'll wear a watch any day of the week and be perfectly happy.
Originally Posted By: RazorsEdge
I'm one of those people who could care less about carrying a phone with me 24/7.

I'll wear a watch any day of the week and be perfectly happy.


Cell phones these days seem to be an extra body appendage for people. Always on and always in use it seems. Just not for me. My cell is for use when I am out of the house or when I lose my land line in an emergency. My cell is always off at home and I do not take it into stores and such with me. A watch is far more practical for me.
Casio when I fly long haul - got to look at the timer with one eye still closed.
At work, lots of meetings - so nicer watch.
Days off - no watch ... Doing too much DIY stuff ...
One or two cell phones at all times ... Great alarm clock too ...
I always have my phone on my, but I also always have my Citizen on me.

I'd like a classic looking smart watch, but I just can't give up my Citizen.
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