Originally Posted By: PandaBear
Originally Posted By: LS2JSTS
The number of large businesses that utilize this practice is small compared to the number of large businesses that dont. Compared to the number of all businesses it's miniscule.
Quantify the numbers for us...rather than just telling me that the number is huge...prove it, give me some data to review, what is the number as an expression of percentage of GDP...anything. I've looked into this, while I clearly agree it exists and does happen, from all I've read, the size and scope of the problem is a blip when viewed against the whole.
If you have a source or data that proves otherwise, I would gladly like to have that ammo in future discussions about this topic. Believe it or not, I agree with you the loopholes should be closed. But I completely disagree that the problem is as huge as you represent it.
Tax Justice Network, an anti-tax haven pressure group, suggests that global tax revenue lost to tax havens exceeds US$255 billion per year, although those figures are not widely accepted. Estimates by the OECD suggest that by 2007 capital held offshore amounts to somewhere between US$5 trillion and US$7 trillion, making up approximately 6–8% of total global investments under management. Of this, approximately US$1.4 trillion is estimate to be held in the Cayman Islands alone.[33]
Sorry, that doesn't even come close. Any data that pertains to American businesses that utilize this practice and what amount it costs the US treasury? You know, the topic we are discussing rather than some vague global figures that are grossly over estimated.
As an example, one article quoted on the wiki link discusses the raw percentage of US businesses that have operations in known tax havens, they claim that number is 59%. Yet they make no effort at all to determine whether those operations are in fact used to funnel cash before taxes out of a jurisdiction and into another. Ford has operations in Tax Haven countries, but they also sell cars and have real operations there as well...no evidence at all that Ford moves income from here to there to avoid taxes, yet they get lumped in with the 59%. Garbage in garbage out.
Again, it shouldnt be happening at all. But even the grossly over estimated global 255 billion/year number that you linked to is a drop in the bucket on a global scale.