Samsung getting thumped in court by Apple

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There are internal documents from Samsung employees that literally state they need to make their phone more like the iPhone. It's obvious Samsung copied, and they got what they deserved.
Originally Posted By: 440Magnum
If there's anything wrong, I blame the patent office for making too-abstract concepts patentable.

yup, everything under the sun are patented as long as it has a CPU, ram, and input output system. It is in every single freaking patent I've seen.

At least it was just operational theory, engineering, or scientifically.

Now style is also patentable, so you cannot make your style similar. IMO it is very stupid

Originally Posted By: GumbyJarvis
ill still buy samsung over apple

Atleast I am supporting South Korea (an ally) versus China!

They are likely made by the same contract manufacturer and share 95% of all the components.

If you want to stick with all North American, buy a Blackberry.
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Originally Posted By: PandaBear
If you want to stick with all North American, buy a Blackberry.

And this is precisely why I buy Blackberry.
I have friends at work (their spouses) and friends outside of work who work for RIM. Plus for business use its the way to go...
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one thing is for sure:

all the new features that HTC and Samsung have in their phones such as taking a photo with a video or texting while watching a video will never make it to an iphone.
LOL Steve Jobs is (was) funny, ironic and biggest hypocrite

Originally Posted By: chiks
Steve jobs was had by his design team. He never knew his team was simply ripping off Braun

Or not.

Steve Jobs AND John Ive (Apple's head of design) have BOTH publicly stated how much they admire and are inspired by Dieter Rams, the German designer that developed products for Braun.

Considering a design patent usually only lasts 14 years, there was no harm done.

Dieter Rams was a perfectionist. Simplicity is the ultimate Complexity.

Steve Jobs new that. He was inspired by Rams's designs. And that is allowed.

I am happy he did. The products being made following Rams's inspiration are amazing.
Originally Posted By: chiks
But not when made by SameSung apparently.

Please educate yourself on patent law.

As I already stated, design patents EXPIRE 14 years from issue.
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
Originally Posted By: chiks
But not when made by SameSung apparently.

Please educate yourself on patent law.

As I already stated, design patents EXPIRE 14 years from issue.

So, if you copy something 14+ years after it was patented, you're a genius, but if you copy it anytime before that, you're just a thief.
Also it seems as if the design patent has expired, somebody else can get a NEW patent on the same design. That sounds completely insane.

How old is that Braun alarm radio clock?
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
Originally Posted By: chiks
But not when made by SameSung apparently.

Please educate yourself on patent law.

As I already stated, design patents EXPIRE 14 years from issue.

So, if you copy something 14+ years after it was patented, you're a genius, but if you copy it anytime before that, you're just a thief.

Good design is good design. Jobs and Ive know that.

If you do it 14 years later it's not breaking the law. End of story.

I would say it takes quite a few "geniuses" to develop what today's tech companies are doing.

For anyone interested in what Rams's has to say about Apple, feel free to see here:
Also, everyone needs to remember:

Apple did not look at Braun's speaker, decide to copy it, and start selling it to compete against Braun.

It's two totally different animals.

On one side, your not competing against the designs your inspired by and your not breaking the law since the patent is expired.

On Samsung's side;
You ARE competing against the products you copy and it's against the law to copy the patent.

I know most of the Apple haters will just let those details fly right by their head, call Apple a sham, then go back to whatever it is they do.

NOBODY, including Apple, knew products inspired by Rams's designs would have taken off like they did. Apple knew one thing and one thing only.

Thy knew Rams's style and design foundation was genius. They knew that they wanted to continue that style since they felt it was perfect.

And that's it.

Samsung was not inspired by a genius designer. They looked at their competion and copied it as best they could.
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
Samsung was not inspired by a genius designer. They looked at their competion and copied it as best they could.

I have owned an iPhone 4s, a Galaxy S2, and now a Galaxy S3. The Samsung phones are nothing at all like an iPhone, other than having a touchscreen and being able to make phone calls.
Originally Posted By: dishdude
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
Samsung was not inspired by a genius designer. They looked at their competion and copied it as best they could.

I have owned an iPhone 4s, a Galaxy S2, and now a Galaxy S3. The Samsung phones are nothing at all like an iPhone, other than having a touchscreen and being able to make phone calls.

Now. The original Galaxy was a total copy
Samsung is now busy copying other things form apple, store design, advertising style, keynote presentations among others
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