Samsung getting thumped in court by Apple

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Originally Posted By: dishdude
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
Samsung was not inspired by a genius designer. They looked at their competion and copied it as best they could.

I have owned an iPhone 4s, a Galaxy S2, and now a Galaxy S3. The Samsung phones are nothing at all like an iPhone, other than having a touchscreen and being able to make phone calls.

I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through the evidence. It's already been posted.
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through the evidence. It's already been posted.

I don't recall asking you to do so.
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
Originally Posted By: chiks
But not when made by SameSung apparently.

Please educate yourself on patent law.

As I already stated, design patents EXPIRE 14 years from issue.

you are as mad as Steve Jobs or Jonathan Ive. Are you one of them? Did I hurt you where it hurts?
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
Originally Posted By: chiks
But not when made by SameSung apparently.

Please educate yourself on patent law.

As I already stated, design patents EXPIRE 14 years from issue.

So, if you copy something 14+ years after it was patented, you're a genius, but if you copy it anytime before that, you're just a thief.

Good design is good design. Jobs and Ive know that.

If you do it 14 years later it's not breaking the law. End of story.

I would say it takes quite a few "geniuses" to develop what today's tech companies are doing.

For anyone interested in what Rams's has to say about Apple, feel free to see here:

Which is this:

"Dieter Rams: Apple has achieved something I never did"

But Steve jobs/Ive does not have the decency to say the same to SamSung. right?
By the way, I am not a fan boy of Samsung. I DO NOT like their phones and stay away from them.

But what has happened in the legal world, between Samsung and Apple, does not seem right.
Originally Posted By: dishdude
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through the evidence. It's already been posted.

I don't recall asking you to do so.

Well I thought you did. Seeing as your making statements that make zero sense, I thought you were lost.

You said Samsung's phone looks nothing like the iPhone.

Apple's icons and Samsungs copied versions:

Samsungs phone next to the iPhone.
Originally Posted By: chiks

Which is this:

"Dieter Rams: Apple has achieved something I never did"

But Steve jobs/Ive does not have the decency to say the same to SamSung. right?

Please read my post after the one you quoted.

Your dealing with two totally different animals.

Originally Posted By: rg200amp
Also, everyone needs to remember:

Apple did not look at Braun's speaker, decide to copy it, and start selling it to compete against Braun.

It's two totally different animals.

On one side, your not competing against the designs your inspired by and your not breaking the law since the patent is expired.

On Samsung's side;
You ARE competing against the products you copy and it's against the law to copy the patent.

I know most of the Apple haters will just let those details fly right by their head, call Apple a sham, then go back to whatever it is they do.

NOBODY, including Apple, knew products inspired by Rams's designs would have taken off like they did. Apple knew one thing and one thing only.

They knew Rams's style and design foundation was genius. They knew that they wanted to continue that style since they felt it was perfect.

And that's it.

Samsung was not inspired by a genius designer. They looked at their competion and copied it as best they could.
rg200amp, it's just a phone man! Take it easy.

Personally I don't care who copied who, I choose the device for it's functionality and features that are important to me, that's why Apple products are no go for me, at least what they have in the current lineup, as they don't meet my criteria.

Apple's strategy to buy out as many patents as they possibly can, I think they still continue this strategy, is pretty standard practice, they just took it to the next level. It is pretty smart, as they saw a loop-hole in the system and took advantage of it, but I'm not sure it's a prudent long term strategy.
People see this kind of action as unfair, whether it is legal or not does not matter, what ultimately matters is customer perception. If Apple continues to sue the competition out of the market, they may change that perception against them.
rg200amp you really seem to be on the Apple side of things here. Did you know that most people I talk to prefer Samsung phones to everything else? Maybe its a better phone.

As to the copied design argument, well, there appear to be alternate sources including open-source Android OS and this is why most people are surprised that Apple won in court. I dont like Apple but thats because I prefer Android.. Shoot, MOST phones look like iPhones, so. Whats up with that? You can also get into beta designs.. Its complicated? Just sayin.

But your mind is already made up, so, hey, continue. Why should Apple stop doing the Microsoft to their competition, hmm? Oh, thats right.. Im biased because I use Mircosoft Win7 as well. I see.
Since when did somebody buy an iphone because of it's looks? or it's icons? HTC phones had better icons, and better screen resolution, and multitasking, and a2dp bluetooth streaming, and tethering on the windows CE mobile phone platform at that time.

It was usability of the iOS platform that made it a success. If apple believes it is the shape and icons that made it a success, they must be drunk.
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