royal purple haters

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Given enough time here and a turnover in membership RP may attain flavor of the month status here. Pennzoil was hardly mentioned a few years ago,other than the occasional mention of the sludge years back in the 70's. Other than that it was off the radar and GC was the meow,now GC is the 70's Penn/QS of 2009 and PP & YB have claimed the top spot,kind of like wrestling. Wait a while and your favorite might take the BITOG belt!
Originally Posted By: Ibrahim
you know...i am of no opinion...but this is not the only forum on internet where you will find people who are less than impress with Royal Purple...rather would only prefer it to call Purple Purple? instead of accusing so and so being unreasonable or being hostile....

may be, just may be RP should try to answer and address what exactly is making some people cringe over their products...

this very approach calling people who prefer another product as RP HATERS and BASHERS? I think is an overrated reaction...

lots of members bash lot of products over BITOG...thats how sadly sometimes people engage with one another...

get RP answer and address the issues and the bad experience some folks seems to believe they had!

To be clear I call no one, specifically, an RP Hater/Basher unless it is an accurate description. Just because someone likes another brand, or has actually USED Royal Purple for more than ONE short OC with poor results, they are not a hater or basher if they post negatively. I agree 100% that does not make them a hater or basher.

However, there ARE haters and bashers here that trash it without ever having used it even ONE time. There are those who trash them over everything from color to cost to so called marketing ethics issues and do so applying those standards to RP alone and not other rbands. Many like to also spread [censored] rumors and outright lies about it just to do so( by their own admission ). They are the ones I refer to. They are classic HHaters and Bashers.

As to answers from RP. Just e-mail tech support and ask. They are very forthcoming, and honest, with all info excluding secret formula stuff which all oil mfg's keep under lid.
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RP sponsors ls1gto dot com. They do not answer any questions about UOA's or anything there either. I have had a couple of experiences with their tech people and found them to be truthful and straightforward. Did not help my shearing issue but for what it is worth found them to be good people.
As for the OP's question. I see unfounded bashing of RP here as well as unbridled enthusiastic support slamming anybody who post a negative. So IMHO it is both sides equally silly.
As with any ??? about any oil, try it and do whatever testing methodology you prefer and go from there. No need to resort to "bashing" either way frankly.
That's interesting. In that case, if they won't answer questions about UOAs or anything else on the forums they sponsor, and if they didn't help the shearing issue, what did you guys talk about on the phone with them? What was it that they were truthful and straightforward about?
Originally Posted By: GrampsintheSand
RP sponsors ls1gto dot com. They do not answer any questions about UOA's or anything there either. I have had a couple of experiences with their tech people and found them to be truthful and straightforward. Did not help my shearing issue but for what it is worth found them to be good people.
As for the OP's question. I see unfounded bashing of RP here as well as unbridled enthusiastic support slamming anybody who post a negative. So IMHO it is both sides equally silly.
As with any ??? about any oil, try it and do whatever testing methodology you prefer and go from there. No need to resort to "bashing" either way frankly.

I know I am included in your enthusiastic support remark and to be clear and fair I never bashed you over your comments about poor experience with the RP racing oil in your HEMI. I actually mention your circumstance as an example when I say some people do have poor results. I fully admit I will call [censored] when [censored] is shoveled but in instances such as yours, where it has actually been USED and did not perform up to par, I respect your right to not like it. "IF" I ever did otherwise it was a misunderstanding and I mistook your comments for more of the same old same old that you get here about the oil from those who have never even used it/used it ONCE and suddenly they know it is the worst oil on the planet. Sorry.

THAT right there though is what gets me so wound up and where some may think I defend it against any negative comment. Actually, that is untrue. Bashing something without ever using it, or saying it is the worst crud ever after running it one time for 2000 miles, is what gets me upset. If someone uses it( really uses it )and has bad results obviously they have the right to dislike it. When people haven't used it and bash it over everything just to bash it I do jump in. I admit it.
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Originally Posted By: d00df00d
That's interesting. In that case, if they won't answer questions about UOAs or anything else on the forums they sponsor, and if they didn't help the shearing issue, what did you guys talk about on the phone with them? What was it that they were truthful and straightforward about?

I have called them on a couple of occasions over the past few years. Once about our 32 Ford Altered and their 0-5 racing oil and once on the shearing issue we saw with the Royal Purple Racing 41. Both times they were professional and answered what they could with no "polishing the pig". Just because neither time we resolved anything doesn't mean they were not helpful or professional. On the shearing they stated I may be using the wrong viscosity and the engine pressure was shearing the oil. OK. But with others 40 weights we didn't see the problem. That was the end of that conversation.
As for their active participation in the other forum it is regulated to marketing material cut and paste and I have failed to see a single post from them commenting or answering question raised. Another forum I frequent (LS1 dot Com) is having a motor oil shootout. Amsoil/Pennzoil/Chevron/NAPA are participating as sponsors. It should be fun. Many members asked about Royal Purple as it used by many. Royal Purple declined a head to head comparison (very detailed level playing field by the way)and passed on the head to head competition. What does this mean. Nothing really other than they market to a select group and frankly I dont think they care about forums nor nay sayers or skeptics. I dunno :)
Originally Posted By: d00df00d
That's interesting. In that case, if they won't answer questions about UOAs or anything else on the forums they sponsor, and if they didn't help the shearing issue, what did you guys talk about on the phone with them? What was it that they were truthful and straightforward about?

Over the years I have spoken with RP tech support about a variety of subjects. Ranging from will your product work in this application, how does it stack up against such and such a standard, I would like to know how RP performs against this particular test and I don't see it on your site can you give me the reults if you have tested it, what is the base stock you use, and so on. I have not contacted them about problems, because I haven't had any, but I am sure they would help there as well.

RP tech support has always been very honest and provided me with answers to the best of their ability. They will be completely honest and say yes or no as to wether or not a particluar fluid they sell will work in an application or not( no waffling or half truths - a simple yes or no - maybe with an explanation but always yes or no ). If something they sell will work but not satisfy warranty they don't try and tell you it will just to sell it to you. They say yes product X will work just fine but you are better off to use the recommended product Y while under warranty( example Synchromax in place of GM's Versatrak fluid ). I have even had them say no we don't cover that but this other mfg does.

I have had them actually provide me with PDF's of fluid standards when I asked questions about them along with a list of RP's performance vs the standard. If it meets/exceeds they say so and if it falls short they say so( where and why ). If RP has not been tested against something they say so and don't try to imply it would easily pass it which I have seen others do( how would you know if it wasn't tested? ). I have contacted RP tech support about questionable claims made by competitors( ie; Brand A says this but your site sys this what is the truth )? They alwys respond with an explanation of how they got their results and explain why they are accurate all the while refraining from going after that other company. They might comment on how that testing was done by the competition to help explain why those results differe from theirs but there is no trashing of the other company involved.

I have asked about base stock and unlike so many oil companies that refuse to answer at all or give these canned responses that tell you nothing RP at least gave a basic answer. Grp IV PAO. They are not going into specific formula secrets but they will share what they can. They are honest to the point it could hurt their sales. I have repeatedly written in about their refusal to reformulate to API SM or to offer another line similar to Amsoil XL that can be reformulated to meet API as needed. They simply say they are not going to and then say why. They prefer SL and are not interested in multiple lines. I may not think that is the right approach but at least they come right out and say it without a bunch of double talk.

Here is another huge plus for them. They answer you fast and even on weekends( yes even Sunday ).
Originally Posted By: GrampsintheSand
frankly I dont think they care about forums nor nay sayers or skeptics. I dunno :)

I think you nailed it. I think they feel their product is a quality one and has nothing to prove to anyone. Use it or don;t.
is there anyone else thats think the shearing results in the uoa's might be the oil doing what it claims and that after a few oci's with royal purple those numbers would drop. just asking not trying to prove a point. from what ive talked with royal purple you will should do 2-3 3k mile ocis. then you can go 12k ocis they told me the uoa's might not be impressive on the first couple ocis but will get better after that
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: GrampsintheSand
RP sponsors ls1gto dot com. They do not answer any questions about UOA's or anything there either. I have had a couple of experiences with their tech people and found them to be truthful and straightforward. Did not help my shearing issue but for what it is worth found them to be good people.
As for the OP's question. I see unfounded bashing of RP here as well as unbridled enthusiastic support slamming anybody who post a negative. So IMHO it is both sides equally silly.
As with any ??? about any oil, try it and do whatever testing methodology you prefer and go from there. No need to resort to "bashing" either way frankly.

I know I am included in your enthusiastic support remark and to be clear and fair I never bashed you over your comments about poor experience with the RP racing oil in your HEMI. I actually mention your circumstance as an example when I say some people do have poor results. I fully admit I will call [censored] when [censored] is shoveled but in instances such as yours, where it has actually been USED and did not perform up to par, I respect your right to not like it. "IF" I ever did otherwise it was a misunderstanding and I mistook your comments for more of the same old same old that you get here about the oil from those who have never even used it/used it ONCE and suddenly they know it is the worst oil on the planet. Sorry.

THAT right there though is what gets me so wound up and where some may think I defend it against any negative comment. Actually, that is untrue. Bashing something without ever using it, or saying it is the worst crud ever after running it one time for 2000 miles, is what gets me upset. If someone uses it( really uses it )and has bad results obviously they have the right to dislike it. When people haven't used it and bash it over everything just to bash it I do jump in. I admit it.

Well I appreciate you don't bundle me in with the folks that have never used it and comment anyway. I do go out of my way not to come across as "bashing" anything. I may share my own personal experience from time to time but really try and keep my comments facts based ( except when talking about how smart my GrandKids are :)) But you need to know I really didn't have you in mind when I posted this.
I think this thread does bring out a good point for all of us to learn something from though. And that is stay facts based and keep ourselves as professional and civil as we can be towards one another. The board has "changed" IMHO from the old days ( yes I have been here a very long time) and needs to get back to being civil with one another in the spirit of knowledge sharing and learning.
Originally Posted By: GrampsintheSand

Well I appreciate you don't bundle me in with the folks that have never used it and comment anyway. I do go out of my way not to come across as "bashing" anything. I may share my own personal experience from time to time but really try and keep my comments facts based ( except when talking about how smart my GrandKids are :)) But you need to know I really didn't have you in mind when I posted this.
I think this thread does bring out a good point for all of us to learn something from though. And that is stay facts based and keep ourselves as professional and civil as we can be towards one another. The board has "changed" IMHO from the old days ( yes I have been here a very long time) and needs to get back to being civil with one another in the spirit of knowledge sharing and learning.

Originally Posted By: torrin
is there anyone else thats think the shearing results in the uoa's might be the oil doing what it claims and that after a few oci's with royal purple those numbers would drop. just asking not trying to prove a point. from what ive talked with royal purple you will should do 2-3 3k mile ocis. then you can go 12k ocis they told me the uoa's might not be impressive on the first couple ocis but will get better after that

Shearing changing after running it a few times? Not sure about that as I am not as well educated on UOA's as a lot of folks here. I honestly can't say if you are experiencing shear with RP that it would improve the longer you use their oil? Wear #'s definitely would change, for the better, once run a few times I would think.
Originally Posted By: torrin
is there anyone else thats think the shearing results in the uoa's might be the oil doing what it claims and that after a few oci's with royal purple those numbers would drop. just asking not trying to prove a point. from what ive talked with royal purple you will should do 2-3 3k mile ocis. then you can go 12k ocis they told me the uoa's might not be impressive on the first couple ocis but will get better after that

I can't see it changing a whole lot on the shearing side, but I am no expert. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in soon.
RP is mainly a group IV based oil. I've heard it has some group V in it, but that comment was from the machine. So it tells me there is no question there is group V in it.
As long as I can afford the XRP in my 1000+hp race eng that's all I'll use. I build, maintain and race it and it's a great oil from a nice small blender. I also use their Hydraulic oil in my Powerglide
Originally Posted By: quick_16
As long as I can afford the XRP in my 1000+hp race eng that's all I'll use. I build, maintain and race it and it's a great oil from a nice small blender. I also use their Hydraulic oil in my Powerglide

When I bought my case of RP 20W50,I wish I would`ve bought the XPR.
I have seen some other meth fuel racers try and use the street blend and they had issues. That's not a RP issue. Pretty big diff in the two IMHO
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Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: d00df00d
I've seen them advertise on BMW forums.

You're saying BITOG is hostile to Royal Purple, but I don't really see that to the extent you're claiming. The negative comments in this thread have been like most of the other ones I've seen: relatively mild, very civil, and mostly based on observations. If Royal Purple were to make opposing facts available, they could easily mitigate or dispel those arguments.

Heck, even just an honest approach to the unfavorable data (shearing etc.) would be well received here.

Ok, I had never seen them advertise on any forums. I stand corrected.

As to the bashing of RP here. You clearly have missed a lot of it because it gets really out of hand and really ridiculous.

I don't think I've ever seen it as bad as the M1 bashing though.....

That is in a category all its own.......
Originally Posted By: OVERK1LL
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: d00df00d
I've seen them advertise on BMW forums.

You're saying BITOG is hostile to Royal Purple, but I don't really see that to the extent you're claiming. The negative comments in this thread have been like most of the other ones I've seen: relatively mild, very civil, and mostly based on observations. If Royal Purple were to make opposing facts available, they could easily mitigate or dispel those arguments.

Heck, even just an honest approach to the unfavorable data (shearing etc.) would be well received here.

Ok, I had never seen them advertise on any forums. I stand corrected.

As to the bashing of RP here. You clearly have missed a lot of it because it gets really out of hand and really ridiculous.

I don't think I've ever seen it as bad as the M1 bashing though.....

That is in a category all its own.......

M1 bashing does get bad agreed. The company and their products get slammed whereas with RP it seems to be more just their oil while the company and their other fluids seem to get a pass for the most part.
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