Rislone Oil Additive

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Sep 8, 2004
Lansing , Kansas
My boss changes his oil and filter every 2,000 miles along with a bottle of RISLONE in each. My boss asked my opinion about Rislone and I really didn't know what to tell him? I told him that I thought all he was doing by adding the Rislone was giving all his engines an enema! What are your opinions on Rislone?
I would print out the following thread (multiple pages long) and give it to him to read: Thread from VOA section.

Also he needs to re-think OCIs. Every 2000 miles is way to excessive unless he is using junk oil or is in extremely severe service.
If he just likes the feel of changing oil, then more power to the guy. Everyone blasts Rislone except tenderloin.
what a waste of petroleum products.

I don't mean to lecture, but your boss is wasting oil. Teach him THAT first.

A good oil can easily go 4000 miles. Rislone every oil change is a waste of time, money and again. petroleum. Plus some stays in the engine for a bit and I don't think that is a good thing.

Does your boss really do this or is he challenging your mind? Take it as a challenge and show him science!
Gary, Yes I was a Rislone fan for 27 years and did give it up when I saw 1) the lack of additives and 2) that modern oils were pretty good by themselves. I highly doubt Rislone did any harm, but have no way to know if it did any good either. As I posted in another thread, I did get a lifter tick on some cold mornings with the old '84 F150 after about 150,000 miles of Rislone use. But I speculated that Rislone was more of a penetrating oil than a cleaner.

Perhaps I should have re-read the thread before I posted it for someone else and then warned them it was predominantly against the product. I recalled it had comments on both sides and thought the guy could read it and make his own decision. Having now re-read it, it seems to be heavy on the attack against Rislone, but there are some defenders too.

Probably no harm using it and, in the case of a neglected engine, it might do wonders, but I don't think it is going to do much for a well maintained engine. The product probably was much more useful (as was MMO) in the olden days when motor oils were not near as good as they are today.

Rislone says it's special properties won't show up in analysis, so the only way to get a handle on it would be a number of without/with UOAs, but since few if any on this site want to use the stuff, we are not likely to see the UOAs anytime soon, if ever.
Isn't Rislone kinda like glorified ATF>

Now I know that you used this stuff for many years without complaint (and assumed because of use over that duration ..implied benefit) ..but the thead that you're leading him to does have some inherant flaws in it. undummy kinda called them out ..but I'll point out some here.

There was a constant comparison of Rislone to a much cheaper SL motor oil with Molekule inferring that the cheaper oil, due to it's additive package would serve the user better. That is, since Rislone didn't have common oil additives that it could not do as good a job as a cheap quart of SL oil. That would be fine if you're comparing a lubricant to a lubricant ..but the discussion was about cleaning ability. I could just as easily insert a quart of industrial degreaser and ask how a cheap quart of SL oil could possibly clean an engine as good as the degreaser. That is, the oil is an oil with marginal cleaning abilities ..the degreaser is a cleaner ...and to a very limited extend ..a lubricant.

Can a cleaner lubricate? Can a SL motor oil clean? Yes ..both to limited extent ..and probably in an inversely proportional manner. If I threw a 50/50 mix of industrial degreaser (1 quart) in with a quart of 30 ND with 4 quarts of oil I would probably have a superior cleaning agent that also lubricates within acceptable limits when compared to 5 quarts of SL oil alone. Adding 5 quarts of SL oil would be a superior lubricant with limited and passive cleaning abilities that would be marginal when compared to the solvent add.
How can this be a valid arguement to the merits of the "mechanic in a can" 's ability to clean? It could be a valid arguement for the wisdom of its use as a lubricant...but that's about it.

None of this has anything to do with whether Rislone is effective or not ..advisable or not ..just the content and assertion of the critical review.

I haven't used the stuff since I was 16 years old ..and haven't got a penny in the company. I'm sure that either side of the debate has merit on this product. It probably falls along the lines of "best" or "preferred" over the actual effectiveness of it.

[ November 27, 2004, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Gary Allan ]

Originally posted by Pablo:
what a waste of petroleum products.

I don't mean to lecture, but your boss is wasting oil. Teach him THAT first.

A good oil can easily go 4000 miles. Rislone every oil change is a waste of time, money and again. petroleum. Plus some stays in the engine for a bit and I don't think that is a good thing.

Does your boss really do this or is he challenging your mind? Take it as a challenge and show him science!

If the boss recycles the oil it is not a waste.
Yes, my boss seriously does change oil and filter every 2,000 and puts in the Rislone also. I find it a big waste too. I don't ever think I will change his mind but, did get him to switch from Fram filters to AC Delco oil filters. I just presented him with the evidence that I gathered and he went for the switch.
Even if he recycles the oil it still is a waste, better to do 4000 mile OCI's - don't get me wrong recycling is a great thing - but it's a long path in this case for so little time in the engine when you figure in the production costs of the original oil and the Rislone and the recycling energy.....
Tell him that he must think he knows how to balance additives better than the chemists That work for the oil companies. What he is doing is screwing up that balance of additives by 20%.

I won't be using it either ..and I agree you're better served with modern oils ..and that a well maintained engine has no need for it. You're just living testimony that your engine won't blow up if you use it.

Rislone and a couple of other products (MMO and like) are kinda like eating Liverworst ..or something that many "finer" appitites can't imagine being palletable. I've eaten liverworst (or braunshwagger =Arnie), enjoyed it, and lived to tell about it. I doubt a dietician will recommend it as part of a balanced diet.

...and I'm not at all arguing with you TallPaul. You just happened to have some points in your post that I worked off of..

You've got to balance things out in matters of practicality in regards to how much weight you put into the criticism of a given product. If there's a problemed engine that the owner is not going to do an Auto-Rx treatment on ...but is going to use a "quick fix" mechanic in a can ..so be it. It doesn't necessarily mean that it won't work ..merely that it employs "unfavorable" methods to achieve it and may include side effects. Those modalities that are deemed favorable are given an arbitrary standard based on a consensus of ideals.

It's the same sorta thing where one owner, with deep pockets and uncompromising standards, automatically replaces a very expensive tire when it gets a punture ..while hundreds of thousands have plugged, or tubed, inferior tires without difficulty or mishap simply because that type of distinction is too expensive for their position economically.

This has a "social" component to it as well as scientific.
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