John - The oil requirements/recommendations are discussed in 3 seperate chapters in two seperate manuals. Also, most of the info pertains to both NA, Turbo, Petrol, and Diesel engines, which I find odd.
Visocity bar graph #1 (in the warranty and service manual) shows only 5W30 and 10W30. The Viscosity bar graph #2 (owners manual) indicates that 0W30, 0W40, 5W30, and 5W40 could be used year round. Oddly, the 5W30 10W30 bars do not go as high in temp as the 0W oils.
The following are some of the statements in the doc (in no particular order):
1) Volvo fully synthetic engine oil is recommended for cars with turbocharged petrol engines.
2) Castrol fully synthetic engine oil is recommended for cars with turbocharged petrol engines.
3) Volvo recommends Castrol oil products.
4) Oil Quality: ACEA A1, API SL,SL/CF, SL Energy Conserving.
5) Note: Oils with a viscosity of 0W30 and 0W40 must fulfil the requirements of A3. (perhaps this explains the bar graph anomoly of 0W vs 10W oils)
5) Operation In Hot Climates: When temps exceed 86F, Volvo recommends that you use a heavier weight oil, such as 10W30.
7) Extemem Engine Operation: Synthetic oils meeting 10W30 and complying with oil quality requirements are recommended for driving in areas of sustained temp extremes (hot or cold), when towing a trailer over long distances, and for prolonged driving in mounainous area.
Recommended OCI is 7,500 miles (1st 4 are free).
[ January 03, 2004, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: DockHoliday ]
Visocity bar graph #1 (in the warranty and service manual) shows only 5W30 and 10W30. The Viscosity bar graph #2 (owners manual) indicates that 0W30, 0W40, 5W30, and 5W40 could be used year round. Oddly, the 5W30 10W30 bars do not go as high in temp as the 0W oils.
The following are some of the statements in the doc (in no particular order):
1) Volvo fully synthetic engine oil is recommended for cars with turbocharged petrol engines.
2) Castrol fully synthetic engine oil is recommended for cars with turbocharged petrol engines.
3) Volvo recommends Castrol oil products.
4) Oil Quality: ACEA A1, API SL,SL/CF, SL Energy Conserving.
5) Note: Oils with a viscosity of 0W30 and 0W40 must fulfil the requirements of A3. (perhaps this explains the bar graph anomoly of 0W vs 10W oils)
5) Operation In Hot Climates: When temps exceed 86F, Volvo recommends that you use a heavier weight oil, such as 10W30.
7) Extemem Engine Operation: Synthetic oils meeting 10W30 and complying with oil quality requirements are recommended for driving in areas of sustained temp extremes (hot or cold), when towing a trailer over long distances, and for prolonged driving in mounainous area.
Recommended OCI is 7,500 miles (1st 4 are free).
[ January 03, 2004, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: DockHoliday ]