Originally posted by ant:
Is there a fundamental problem with the formulation of Redline oils? In many areas Redline has a good reputation, but I havn't seen a really good UOA for any Redline product. There doesn't seem to be any advantage for extended drain intervals or wear reduction. The motor oils even seem to exhibit more wear than a dino oil. Is the polyol ester base stocks simply not a suitable base for lubrication in an automotive application? I am NOT bashing Redline products, just trying the learn more about lubricating oils.
Please expound upon your statements.
What IYO is a GOOD UOA, and please feel free to post MOCK numbers. Also, what set of standards are
you using to judge an UOA as good or bad?
Also, please list IYO the advantages or reason for extended drains; WHY, are you seeking them?
Lastly, have you SEEN a UOA that has an properly running engine fed a steady diet of this oil over 20, 30 or 60K miles?
I'm not picking on you, it's more the board a little. Too many people are TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
quick to judge an oil or a group of oils and make blanket statements... I'm guilty as we all have been, an have some faults still, but my point is more of the fact that
Until you have seen many UOA's in the same engine or TYPE of engine and application, and then compared those numbers to another OIL, sometimes numbers are just subjective, and the person looking is biased because of their belief system.
I'm not defending per se RL or am I per se against RL, what I'm saying if first you have to have some ground to call a foundation, and that IMO may very well be watching YOUR own UOA's for a period of time, taking in consideration application and problems encountered (HISTORY) etc. as well as the oil itself.
The oil I am running for instance when my truck was new, it never saw. Then when I figured it was BROKE-IN, I changed. Used almost 100.00% the same oil except in EE situations. When my truck was newer, Then: NUMBERS WERE almost around ZERO to 2 or 3 maybe 8 PPM at 15K 20K 30K+
Then I encountered a long list of problems I still am a little in now.... for about 100K.
These problems raised my PPM level, and anyone looking at them without knowing the history will come to a different analysis of those numbers...
BUT I had a base... I knew what it did, and how it acted to some degree. Therefore I can say with certain reflection that my engine now LOOKS a lot worse than before... will it come back ??? I donno... maybe this has to do with the fact that I stopped using MOLY as an experiment.... I'll see when I add it back in after my midway experiment is complete.
Then we have to determine IYO what BETTER means, because to me it may mean something else.