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Geez guy. A tad bit harsh. You almost make me regret posting anything at all. "Justifying the journey with lies"? Good Lord, you must not make many friends.This isn't about making a logical choice; it's about emotional confirmation. You just want someone to agree with your perceived notion of what's "best" even though you have only laid out three criteria; time, driving habits and Moly.
- The 6 month OCI (limited by occasional driving on weekends and a few commutes) means distance is moot in this case. My guess is your planned OCI will be 5k miles or less. Hence, this is inconsequential to the decision as any of those three lubes will never be distinuishable in 6 month OCIs in your application; nor would about any other for that matter. So the OCI duration is completely useless criteria for making a decision.
- Driving habits include "maybe" occasional runs to redline and sprirted driving. You're not going to flog this thing in AX racing; you're just going to toodle around and "maybe" wring it out on rare occasion. There is zero reason to believe that those three lubes you metion (or a slew of others you seem to believe inferior) won't handle the stress (or lack thereof). So this also is a moot point.
- You have stated a preference for moly, of which you already know that "moly" is a term for things you don't fully understand. You have no idea of what moly is present in these three lubes, and therefore you have no ability to make an informed decision in this regard either. Even if you knew a quantity of moly, you wouldn't know how much moly was "enough" moly; you'd probably take the Murican approach that more is always better ...
So .... This isn't about making a logical choice; it's about emotional confirmation. You just want someone to agree with your perceived notion of what's "best" even though you haven't used practical criteria for your decision. Hence - this is an emotional plea and not a logical one. Sir - at the risk of being percieved as terse, just put on your big-boy pants and pick one of the three. It only matters to your ID and only you can satisfy your ID. Seriously, there's nothing wrong whatsoever in making an emotional decision, as long as you can admit it's an emotional decision and not try to convince others (or yourself) by justifying the journey with lies. As soon as you admit that logic does not play into this, that will free you of all concerns and let your ID be happy. Any of those lubes you inquire about are more than adequate to do the job, and they would be unable to distinguish themsevles in a 6 month OCI in your planned use. Pick one and move on.