Pros/Cons- Gas water heater vs Electric WH???

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Originally Posted By: Blue_Goose
I think that heat pump helps out tremendously no? What are you paying for a kilowatt?

Family size? Just trying to get an idea..I live in a town-home, family of 4..2 shower in morning, 2 at night. Dishwasher as well about 1066 sq footage

Electric expensive in NH probably about .15 a kwh you get a break a bit if you hook an electric WH up to a second meter but not possible in my situation being in a condo type environment


It really depends on what is your baseline level and how much you exceed it, and how much it cost if you exceed.d

My friend yank out his heat pump heater and replace with gas heating, because even if less efficient, electricity is way more expensive than gas for him due to exceeding base band level by a lot.
Quite a price diff in electricity then..last month I used 340kwh and my bill was 61 used almost 200 more kwh and you bill was only a few dollars in NH my bill for that much kwh usage would probably double!!!

Ok gotta find a way to make a gas WH work I guess!!! I'm having HVAC guys come out on Monday and having them replace my vent pipes...they MAY be the source of the smell I am getting as they did have foil tape and a smelly adhesive on them. We took tape off..I guess that is why the first few times maybe I did not notice an odor but once the adhesive started to cook that's when the smell came..(I think)

In any event I'm gonna try to return this WH to Sears and get a Bradford White...much better design for secondary air for sure
Yeah, sounds like electric is expensive up there. Maybe I'm just lucky? I've ever investigated electric costs in other areas of the nation.
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